-Part I-

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Specs checked his phone.

"Hey, it looks like the S4 is hosting a house party tonight with all our friends! Maybe we should go!"

Goggles looked at it while eating a pickled plum. "YAY! Parties are so much fun! Maybe Rider will be there? What about Gloves? So exiting!"

Headphones looked at the phone with a grin. "Everyone is gonna be there, including Rider and Gloves!"

Bobble Hat replied, "Yay! A big party!"

Specs then paces. "What are we gonna bring? Do we need food? Drinks?"

Hachi looked confused. "What's a house-party?"

Nana replied, "I think it's where you watch girls dance around poles and pay them money."

Specs said nervously, "IT'S NOT A STRIP CLUB! It's a party where friends get together and have fun. We have to leave soon, it's almost 7:00."

Goggles cheerfully said, "Okay! Let's go!"

"Yay!" Replied Bobble Hat.

They got in the car and drove to Aloha's apartment complex, then went up to the roof, which Aloha had rented out for the night.

Aloha greeted them. "Hey guys! Just in time!"

Team Blue looked around the vast rooftop as the partygoers greeted them. It was adorned with lights, and it had a beautiful view of the Inkopolis skyline.

Goggles thought to himself, Where's Rider? He said he would be here.

Goggles spotted him chatting with Gloves not too far from where he was standing. Aha! He thought.

Rider said to Gloves, "Yes, I know that I lost to him a while back! It's not like one loss makes me weak."

Gloves laughed. "I remember your face when he pantsed you! That was priceless! Imagine being not fresh like you were..."

Rider became a little arrogant. "Fine then. I won't let myself be pantsed by Goggles again. I won't allow it!"

Just as he said the word "it", he felt his pants slip off quickly. He saw Goggles at his feet grinning, and everyone burst out laughing.

"DAMMIT GOGGLES! I'LL CRUSH YOU LATER!" He yelled while pulling his pants up and running after Goggles.

Rider thought to himself, Damn! How did I let this happen!? I almost blushed there! Maybe I'm a little drunk...

Goggles laughed while Rider swung his Dynamo at him. "Soooorrrrrryyyyy! I just couldn't miss that opportunity!"

Rider sighed. "You're lucky. I'll let it slide this time...BUT DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!"

Goggles smirked. "No promises!"

Rider couldn't help but smile a little. That was the thing that turned him on the most, was Goggles pantsing him.

"Nice dodging skills you got there, Rider!" Gloves laughed.

Rider said, "I've gotta use the bathroom. Be right back." (He was lying here.)

Meanwhile, near Team S4, Goggles said, "I'm gonna grab a drink. You stay right here!" Aloha noticed that Rider went to the bathroom as well...

-that one night- (rider x goggles, COVER NOT MY ART)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum