I'm Not Jealous!!

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  -Hmm you're right Alejandro.. Are you feeling okay Camilo?

  -I'm fine, thanks.

  Camilo looked so distance. You wondered what them two were actually talking about. Maybe it was better to confront Alejandro about that later. In the mean time, you and Alejandro took Camilo home. As you three got there, you kissed Camilo good night. Alejandro looked at the side, annoyed. That already made Camilo happier.

  -Goodnight camaléon.

  -Goodnight mi vida.

  With that, he entered home. You sighed. You knew Camilo felt uncomfortable around Alejandro. You just wished they got along. But then, a voice cut your line of thought.

  -Hey should we go now?

  -hm? Oh yes of course!

  With that, I left with Alejandro. Just what was so important he had to tell me in private? Actually, you had an idea of what it could be, but you wished you were wrong.

~Camilo's POV~

  I had just entered Casita. I couldn't stand that stupid Alejandro anymore! He was so annoying! And now he wants to take my girlfriend?! Oh how I wish I were there listening to what he is telling her! I will break his spine if he keeps this up. But what scares me.. what if YN falls for him? I can't lose her!
Those thoughts pierced my skull as I was getting to my door. Just as I was about to get in, I heard a voice.


  I looked at the source of the sound. It was Antonio. I looked at him with a smile and squatted down to dunk his face down.

  -I believe this is still my room. And what are you doing up so late lil' guy?




  -No but.. hey wait a minute, how do you..

  -THEN MAKE YOUR GIFT USEFUL AND GO HIT THAT BOY! I'll send a bird to poke his eyes.

  -Did Dolores told you to say that?


  -Of course... listen, I trust YN. I know she won't fall for him.

  Somehow, I wasn't sure in my own words. I trust YN, but I don't trust Alejandro.

  ~Normal POV~

  You and Alejandro were taking a stroll around the village until you found a free bench to sit.

  -So, what did you wanted to tell me?

  -YN, in a few days I'll be going back to Europe.

  -Oh... I see..

  -And you see, I can't leave without telling you this...

  Alejandro grabbed your hands and looked you deep in the eyes. He was blushing a lot and had a helpless look on his face. You prayed he wouldn't say what you thought he would say.

  -Please YN! Leave this place with me! We'll be happy ever after! Our own happy ending! Together. Forever. I know you are in a relationship, but I'm better than that Camilo guy! I love you! He doesn't! And I know you don't love him too. Please say you love me..

  You just stood there looking weird at Alejandro. Why would he say that?! You didn't love him, and were actually doubting your friendship. That only made things worst! You didn't want to break his heart, but you couldn't say you loved him, when you didn't. You slid your hands off from Alejandro's.

  -Oh no... no no no... Alejandro no! I don't.. I love someone else. You know it! And I'm very happy with Camilo. Sorry, but I can't leave with you. I don't love you. I'm sorry.

  You wished he would take the rejection well, but then you remembered, he never takes a lost well. He stood up angrily from the bench and looked down to you.


  You didn't let Alejandro finish. You got up and slapped him. He held his face in shock.

  -Listen, I don't love you! Deal with it! In your life, you'll be rejected a lot! Your money won't buy you everything. And it won't buy my heart. I love Camilo because he loves me. Not like you, you don't love people. You just manipulate them! And the next time you talk like that about Camilo, I'm not gonna just slap you! You can't talk like that about him! Understood?!

  -Whatever! When you realize how wrong you were, I'm not going to be here to take you!

  And with that, Alejandro left angrily. Now you knew what Camilo felt. You just wanted to slap him harder. And if you had the chance, you'd do it. But at least, he was leaving and wouldn't interfere between you two.


  -...and then he left!

  You sneaked into Camilo's room through the window. It wasn't the first time you did that.

  Camilo was sitting on his bed, listening to you talking about what happened with Alejandro.
You, on the other hand, we're moving from side to side.

  -That idiot! At least he'll be gone for good now. Hey, you did the right thing. He was an idiot! Thank you for standing up to me princesa.

  -Why are you thanking me? I would never let anyone talk bad about you! If I had the chance, I'd break his whole face! If anything, thank you for trusting me with this. I know how jealous you were.

  -I wasn't jealous! I was scared.. scared of losing you. I love you more than anything. I can't afford losing you. I'm sorry... I guess that is pretty jealous huh?

  -It's the right amount. You just want to make sure I'm okay. And I love you too camaléon.

~♡︎𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙰𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏♡︎~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora