╰┈➤ 05

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Warning!!! Major fluff, and slightly OOC Akemi! If you have any suggustions to fix this feel free to PM me!

In a matter of time, exams were creeping closer and closer everyday constantly haunting students everywhereIf you didn't know, [Y/N]'s schedule mostly revolves around studying

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In a matter of time, exams were creeping closer and closer everyday constantly haunting students everywhere

If you didn't know, [Y/N]'s schedule mostly revolves around studying. He aimed to have the highest grades in his grade, possibly the school.

After all, his future depended on it

[Y/N]'s declines to hangouts were slowly graduating to an amount of concern. During club times he doesn't even attempt to talk to anyone. He's either sleeping, or studying.

Akemi was probably the first person to notice, and decided to act upon it by asking [Y/N] to have a sleepover to study together. If Akemi didn't say they were going to study he probably wouldn't have agreed to it in the first place.

Three gentle knocks interrupted the quietness in Akemi's room.

He opened the door to see [Y/N] being as quiet and timid as ever, holding a bag filled with books and night necessities

"Hello, Ake~senpai.."

"Hey [N/N], come in!"

[Y/N] settled all his belongings on the small coffee table in the middle of the floor, and pulled out all his text books that had several sticky notes poking out.

"What would you like to go over first?"

As much as Akemi didn't want to start the night off with studying immediately, he needed to anyway. He mentally made a note that he would confront him after words

"How about history?" Akemi suggested

"Alright then"

Some time passed and [Y/N] was obviously getting tired faster than usual

"Hey, [N/N]..?"

"Yes, Ake~senpai?"

"You seem tired, it's time to go to sleep"

"Right after I finish this page.."

Akemi was having none of it. Without him noticing, Akemi creeped behind [Y/N] and picked him up from behind as if he was holding a toddler

[L/N] let out a yelp of surprise

"A-AkemI! I'm not tired, please put me down!" he comedically started scrambling around, making him look like a baby throwing a fit

"Nope, you're going to sleep with me!" Akemi said happily, and in a somewhat cocky tone

He felt weird saying that with an innocent intent...

Akemi flopped the both of them onto his bed, and tightly hugged his kohai to his chest despite his obvious attempts of retaliation

"Akemi.." [Y/N] quietly whined, but blushed at their closeness

"If you're not tired, we can talk but no studying! You'll get sick if you keep overworking yourself" Akemi said sternly


The two talked about random things, and each time the topic changed the more comfortable they felt in the affectionate position

"Hey, [N/N]?"

"Hm?" he hummed

"You've been acting strange lately. What happened?"

[Y/N] just stayed quiet. He knew he couldn't lie to Akemi because he'd always find out no matter how 'sneaky' you might think you are

"Is it your parents?"

[Y/N]'s silence grew louder. But it was interrupted by a sniffle

Precious shining tears flowed down his pink cheeks as his face scrunched up in sadness

"You don't have to tell me right now-"

"They kicked me out.."


"They kicked me out, Akemi.. They don't want me anymore.. So they sent me here.. I'm completely alone now.."

Akemi looked into the younger's [E/C] orbs

"If I don't get good grades, I could lose my place here, and I can't afford to go to college... I need to work hard for a scholarship so I don't end up on the streets.."

No matter how deep Akemi looked, all he could read was sadness and loneliness in the poor boy's eyes.

An infinite typhoon of sadness and loneliness

The hug tightened and [Y/N]'s face was smushed into his senpai's chest

Little sobs filled the room

No matter how much he wiped his tears, only more tears replaced them

Akemi's heart broke at the sound, he only wants the best for his best friend

"You're not alone [Y/N], I'll always be your friend.. No matter what"

[Y/N]'s soft sobbing stopped as his looked up into Akemi's eyes

"You know, you're super cute [Y/N]?"

His face flared pink once again

"Do you really think that..?"

"Everyone thinks so [N/N]"

Akemi began to tickle the crying boy which made him start giggling nonstop

The two slowly calmed down and began to grow quiet. It was a nice silence this time

"Are you sure that's everything that's been bugging you?"

[Y/N] nodded meekly

"Are you lying?"

[Y/N] nodded again

"What is it"

"I think everyone hates me.. They're always mean to me despite me trying everything to be kind to them... I don't know what I'm doing wrong, Akemi.." [Y/N] said sadly

"What do you mean they hate you?"

"Well the upperclassmen are always making fun of me.. Tamura~senpai always calls me ugly.. And I think someone is stealing my belongings to mess with my head.."

"Do you believe them?"


"Do you believe them when they call you names?"

[Y/N] just looked down in shame

Akemi cupped [Y/N]'s cheek gently, as if he was made of glass and could shatter with just a breath

"You know, you're so much more than anyone thinks you are.."

[Y/N]'s eyes started watering again, threatening to let his tears spill again

Akemi's face was painted with a cheeky smile and started kissing his tears away and emphasized the kissing sounds making [Y/N] start laughing for what felt like the 10th time tonight

When Akemi stop they just looked into each other's eyes

The shorter's cheeks started to glow pink, making him hide under the covers

This only made Akemi quietly chuckle

"What're you doing down there?"

He suddenly felt [Y/N] laying on top of him, resting his head on his stomach

Akemi lifted up the comforter to see a very cute sight

[Y/N] and his big shiny doe eyes looking right back at him, with his cheeks squished up against him

The warmth they felt from each other was addicting

"Hi.." [Y/N] said


The two just blankly stared at each other

"I think you're cute too Ake~senpai"

"Thank you!" he exclaimed, but somehow it was still quiet

The two continued their stare off only for Akemi to let loose what he was holding back for what felt like years

He lifted his kohai off from his chest, and placed him on the spot he previously was

Pinning both of [Y/N]'s wrist above his head, the placing his knee between [Y/N]'s semi spreaded legs

"Ake~senpai..?" he looked innocently back up at him

"I don't understand.."
"Understand what?"

"How can you believe those people so easily when they call you ugly? ..You're super cute y'know"[Y/N] could feel in his core that Akemi wasn't lying, and it was actually genuine


He was interrupted by the feel of his shirt being tugged up, until it reached his face blocking his view of his senpai

"Do you trust me [N/N]?"

[Y/N] suddenly didn't feel tired anymore

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