Chapter 66

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Chris' pov
"Why are you so nervous papa?"

"Yeah daddy,everything's gonna be fine!"

"I'm sure Alana's parents will like you!"

The boys were trying to encourage me while I was nervously waiting for Cami and Alana to get back with their parents,I had already picked up Rami and Christine and dropped them off home.I sat down on one of the chairs and sighed,"you're right boys,maybe I'm just letting my nerves get the better of me."i said.all three of them smiled,then we heard the front door open.we all turned our heads and saw Alana,Cami,and their parents."ALANA!CAMI!"the boys exclaimed,they rushed towards Cami and hugged her.Dashiell Ellis gently hugged Alana,the girls smiled as they hugged them back."mom,dad,these are Chris' boys:Eamon Riley,Liam John,and Dashiell Ellis."Alana introduced the boys to her parents,i gulped as I nervous got off the chair.

"Mom,dad,this is my fiancé Chris."Alana introduced them to me,"it's Uh,a pleasure to meet you both."i said as I held out my hand."nice to meet you too Chris,Alana told me you listen to country music."mr.Valance said,"well I also make some."i said.his face lit up,"well shoot,this one's definitely a keeper."he laughed.Cami jokingly rolled her eyes while Alana smiled,"kids why don't you go play in your rooms?"i suggested to the boys."ok papa!"they said,they all ran to their rooms."so,Chris,how old are you?"mrs.Valance finally spoke,Cami sighed as she closed the front door."oh,uhh I'm 42."I replied,"S-So um mom,dad,what do you guys want for dinner?"Alana asked them.

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