Chapter 33

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No one's pov
It was quiet

Alana hated how quiet it was

She was so used to the noise of LA,that the quiet was just unknown to matter how much she tossed and turned she knew she wasn't getting any sleep,she sighed and looked at the ceiling(even though it was blurry).she blindly reached for her glasses and put them on her face,everything wasn't blurry anymore.she sat up and looked at the window,the moon rays shined through the curtains.she knew exactly why she couldn't sleep,and it was because of one simple thing.


She felt guilty

Guilty for just leaving Chris like that,for not answering his calls or anyone else's calls.a tear slipped down her cheek,she put her hands on her arms as she curled up into a ball.

She missed him

She missed his touch

His voice

She missed everything about him in general,she knew the risks and she still took them.

Because she loved him

She still loves him

Alana got out of bed and quiet put on her shoes.she didn't care if it was cold outside,she needed some fresh she quietly left the house she hesitated as she stood on the front porch,what was holding her back?she took a deep breath and walked down the porch steps.she instantly regretted not getting a jacket,but she kept walking anyway.some cars passed by her as she walked down the street,and that's when she heard a familiar voice.


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