Twenty six

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"I can't hear you anymore

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"I can't hear you anymore." I say, I walk to one of the tables and pick up a sharp knife.

"I love you, Nicky, you won't hurt me, you love me too, we have a daughter together." She says.

Her voice is so fucking annoying.

I take off my jacket and give it to one of the guards, I walk to her again, the guys are all leaning against the wall with their arms crossed, and Andrea is sitting in a chair in front of Sam that hasn't said a word since we got here.

"John, hold her head." I say, he starts walking and stops when he's behind her, he pulls a hand full of her hair back and the other hand holds her jaw, with the help of some rusty pliers I pull her tongue out.

She started screaming and thrashing her body, but from the way the ropes are tied she can't move much. When her tongue is all out of her mouth I slice it with the knife.

A clean cut.

Finally the bitch is quieter but she still can be annoying with those shrill screams she's making. I slice her arms from her shoulders to her wrists, she's silent now, with tears running down her eyes, blood oozing out of her most and falling to her chest.

Her eyes started rolling to the back of her mind, but if this bitch thinks she can lose consciousness she's fucking wrong.

"Silva, the water."  I say, he picked the bucket that was on the floor next to him with ice-cold water and throws it to her, immediately her eyes go wide and she started the fucking shrills again.

I walk behind her and with the same knife, I slash her skin from shoulder to shoulder.

"You should've stayed away." I say now in front of her, she started sobbing and shaking her head.

I use the knife one more time, rip her shirt apart and open a big wound on her stomach, so fucking big and deep that her guts fall all over the floor.


Fucking Kassandra is finally fucking dead.

I walk to another bucket full of water and wash my hands, I turn around to Andrea and spoke

"You can start."

For a while, there was just silence, Andrea kept sitting in front of Sam without saying anything, but I know how hurt he is. My brother always had this bubbly personality but he hasn't been himself since Julianna was kidnapped, then we had our dad back he was a little happier but not much.

He became depressed always in his room with his eyes glued to a laptop searching without sleeping or eating, and then Sam was there, he made sure he rested rates and even took shower, he was always there when he needed.

But he probably always knew where she was, so it was all a lie, I believe my brother truly loves him, and to feel this kind of betrayal it can't be easy.

"I just want to know, why?" He spoke his voice firm and cold, without any emotion in it.

"Before she came you all already barely noticed me, I would always stay behind or when I went with I would always stay watching. Then she came, everyone looked at her, even Talon that always seems to never like anyone." He said and Talon gave a dark chuckle.

"And you Niccolo, you hated her and then married her like what the fuck? Andre was Julianna this, Julianna that. I couldn't take in more."

"She is my best friend you dumb fuck. I knew her before you joined us. But it didn't matter since we got to know you, you were like a little brother to us." Andrea said.

"Since when were you in contact with Marcello? And don't lie, you know how we do things, lying will only make things worse." I asked.

"I didn't know it was Marcello, but I contacted the Italians when we found out they were after her, and I was the one telling them when she got out of the house the morning she was taken." He said with his head down in shame.

"Was anything real?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, I love you, Andrea, I was just afraid to come out at first but then-"

"But then you betrayed me, and you saw the state I was in but even so you didn't help her. You didn't help me. And for that I don't forgive you, I don't love you and I fucking hate you. I will be the one killing you."

No one had anything else to say, and Sam knew that beg would help him so he also kept quiet looking at the floor. We all knew that Andrea needed this. I turned my back at Sam and walked away when we were going through the door we hear two gunshots and we knew it was over.

Kassandra was dead, Sam was dead, the Italians were defeated and without a leader, those who were able to escape will join other mafias or gangs and a few will see this as a chance to start a new life.

We gathered next to our cars and waited for Andrea to come joined us.

"Well, that was-" Fang started but he didn't really know what to say.

"I wish he had suffered." I said.

It's true, two bullets in his head were nothing. He should've been skinned alive, I should've pulled his eyes out, cut his ears, pulled his nails one by one, nailed his hands, burned his tongue.

And more.

"Well, it's over." John said.

"We got to go to the docs." Talon said.

Fang, John, Silva, and Talon got in their cars and drove away, it was just me and Andrea, he came with Fang but now he's going with me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Nope." He said and got in the car, I opened the door and sat behind the wheel.

"What are you going to do now with your life? You know without the mafia and all."

"First I have a wedding to plan, but I was thinking of opening a business, start small and see how it grows."

"What business?"

"I have nothing planned yet, it's just an idea, but I would talk to you eventually because I want to know if you would like to join me. Or do you just want to stay home looking at them without anything to do?"

"I wouldn't mind spending 24/7 with them but that would probably make them go crazy." I said and we both laugh.

"I was thinking of something like bodyguards, or P.I.. I'm not sure yet, I'm not rushing anything."

"Okay, then plan it, take your time, and then we can talk."

"I'll do that. Where are we going?"

"I need to go to the new house, I want to see how is everything doing."

"Will you take care of the garden around the pond?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah, that shit needs to be cleaned it looks like a forest."

"What if the wedding was there?"

"What if the wedding was there?"

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