f i n a l

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I finally finished my project. It took me an extra week but luckily I was able to get an extension. I stare at the no longer blank canvas. A picture of Kuroo smiled back at me, the detailed picture was almost hyper-realistic, but could never be as perfect as the real thing.

He made me who I am.

He helped me when I was sad.

He uplifted me when I was happy.

He was always there.

He always did what's best for me.

And even though he's gone, he's alive in my heart.

I hung up the painting on my wall, getting a glimpse of the ring he got me on my engagement finger. The reference photo was pinned in the corner, as u have with most of my drawings. It was just a regular photo I took of him one day, as it seemed. Under the surface, it held memories. I remember that day so vividly. It was the day of our first kiss.

I remember it was autumn, the golden sunshine hit his face like gold as it made his brown eyes even more gorgeous. I remember taking the photo, how handsome he looked, how the air smelt, how he smelt, how he spoke to me. How after I took the photo, he pulled me in and kissed me. It was like I was reborn. The best kiss of my life.

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