Chapter twenty-two

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(TW forced sexual acts) 

You lay there for a while, the pair of you in silence, as you reaffirmed the thought. Gently, you sat up and look down on him, trailing your eyes over his defined bone structure, the crevice of his chin, the cupids bow above his lip, the tip of his nose, now flushed from the cold, and finally the pair of grey orbs that you had fallen for. They were still as beautiful as the day you first laid eyes on him. Still holding that burning intensity, but with a newfound softness that was only ever directed at you.

Pulling himself up to sit up next to you, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to straddle his lap, sitting directly over his hardening cock, though at the time, you were so transfixed in his gaze that you paid no mind. You brought your hands up, running your fingers softly against the skin of his cheeks and tucking some loose hair behind his ear.

You lean closer, ghosting his lips with yours so that you could feel his warm breath against your skin. You had to kill him. He had to die. Of this you were certain. You could have so easily right there in that second. Your hands cupping his face as his mouth contorted at the agonising pain of death and betrayal. You could watch his eyes as they fell lifeless, hold his limp body against yours, and scream your loss into the listening night. But at that moment, with his hands placed lightly against your thighs and your breaths mingling, you decided.

"One more night" you mumbled against his lips

He pulled his face back slightly, raising his eyes from your mouth to your gaze,

"What was that?"

You smiled gently, a certain feeling of calmness stretched over your mind at your plan, even though it still made you sick to your core that you had to be the one to end his life. Although, in the end, you thought it was rather fitting. He had saved your life, so you must take his.

"don't worry Feitan. Everything's fine" you whispered before leaning back in and capturing his lips with your own.

The pair of you started gently, with your top lip softly overlapping his, before moving slightly down so that you were able to gently suck on his bottom lip. You could hear his exhale through his nose, the rush of warm air against your cheek. His lips were warm and wet and tasted just how you remembered. This is what you needed, intimacy. You wanted your last night together to be spent making love. Caring. Romantic. Loving.

And for a moment, you thought that Feitans allowance of your gentle touches meant that he wanted that too.

But this fantasy was quickly dispersed as he grabbed your hips harshly and pushed one leg up, effectively flipping you over. Your head smashed into the ground at the unexpected attack, pain waved forewords, and your eyes watered, making your vision blurry. You barely had time to make a move before gasping to the breath that was knocked out of you as you saw the blurred outline of Feitan crawling on top of you.

"God I've missed your body" he whispered against your skin as he began to aggressively suck on your neck, so harshly that you were certain he was drawing blood. His teeth tightened around the sensitive flesh relentlessly, so much so, that you began to whimper, not of pleasure, but pain. You could feel him rubbing his erect dick against your thigh, eager and unwilling to wait.

This pain was different. It was horrid. You didn't want this.


You were suddenly cut off with a sharp intake of breath as he bit down violently, trapping a slither of skin between his canines and pulling, effectively ripping the flesh apart.

"What the FUCK?" you shouted, crawling backward and raising your hand up to your neck as blood oozed around the small but painful flesh wound. The salt of your fingers burned the exposed tissue, although he only took off a few top layers of flesh, it was enough to leave the patch red and raw, a wound that would definitely scar.

"Come on, don't act like you didn't love that" he growled, inching closer towards your body

"You love it, remember the screams I used to pull out of that pretty little mouth" he whispered as his hand reached up and closed around your throat with force, so much so that almost instantly, your blood flow was cut off and you were experiencing the light-headed feeling you did infect adore. His other hand reached up and caressed your soft lips with his thumb, before dipping into your mouth, which you instinctively ran your tongue against and sucked

It was hot. He was hot. But the pain on your collarbone reminded you that he "missed your body"

He didn't miss you, he didn't come looking for you, he looked for your body.

Is that all this is, a good fuck?

The scarf that I wear even now is not a protective barrier, but a branding. I am his. I belong to him. Only he can fuck me. Because only I can handle the rough sex. That's it.

I'm not special, my body is

"Is that all you remember about us? The sex?" you whispered around his fingers

"of course, it's not." he scoffed "How could you think that?! Tell you what, I'm going to show you just how special you are to me and take that little delusion out of your pretty head, okay?"

And without trusting your better judgment, you let him pick you up off the floor and lead you off. You walked in silence for about 10 minutes, him leading a few feet ahead of you, without once sparing a glance back. He was walking fast, obviously impatient to get to the destination where the pair of you would inevitably have sex. His way of showing how "special" you were to him.

It was an odd journey. You spent the entire time staring at the ground, simply following his feet. You felt numb. After all this time of having such extreme feelings towards Feitan, whether that was anger, abandonment, anguish, it was always something. He was constantly on your mind. But now that he was actually standing in front of you, you wished for your mind to focus on anything but him.

He deserves this, you told yourself. He obviously looked very hard for you, so that must count for something. And besides, he's never been that good at expressing his feelings in any way other than sex

That's a lie, there have been small moments of intimacy between us! Like in the katana shop, or on the mission before it went south. Times where I think he is capable of other emotions besides *kill*, *horny*, and *bottomless pit, void of all emotions*.

But the way he treated you earlier, you clearly wanted him to make LOVE to you, but he just wants a good fuck...

That's not true...

Isn't it?... 

The psychotic conversation you were having with yourself in your head was brought to a close by the sound of a heavy metal door being ripped back. The door was deeply rusted and connected to a crumbling structure, chipped white paint overlapped by graffiti. Another abandoned building, with no heating, no electricity, no bed. Great...

He turned round to look at you, his grey eyes glossed entirely over with animalistic love. Any thoughts you may have had of a loving, romantic, intimate encounter flew out the window with that single look. Feitan moved towards you, walking around the back of you, and placed his hands on your stomach, pulling you flush into his body. His hands began to wonder, reaching out to hold the curves in your waist then moving back up, along the ribs, and back to the front, as he began to massage your boobs.

He left feathery kisses all down your exposed neck, that all too quickly turned into nips, then bites, which once again you were sure would draw specs of blood.

You stood still, biting your lip as to not give him the satisfaction of hearing a gratifying moan. You didn't know why you were being so petty, but his creeping aggressive nature, which was once such a turn-on, was now royally pissing you off. But you would endure it. You still had the lingering thought of death in the back of your mind, and whilst you had considered just doing it now, you thought better of it.

Give him a chance to prove himself. If not that, just one more night, right?

"yeah," you whispered under your breath, "one more night...", as Feitan maneuvered your bodies into the building.

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