"Maybe," Harry nodded. "I thought I'd check it out anyway,"

"Or maybe he's a ghost!"

They'd reached a particularly dark corridor Liv wasn't familiar with, and the small amount of light illuminating from their wands was not enough to ease the fight it caused her. She held onto the side of Harry's jumper tight.

"Ghosts don't show up on the map," Harry muttered, concentrating hard on the map in front of him. "There, there!" He'd suddenly raised his voice, pointing to the map. It made Liv jump.

There, very clearly, was Pettigrew's name on the map - the problem was, he was located at the other end of the corridor, in the darkness their wands couldn't reach. Liv's heart began to beat very fast.

"He should be here anywhere," Harry whispered, frantically pointing his wand in every direction, not leaving a single part of the corridor left in darkness.

"I'm scared," Liv gasped, subconsciously gripping onto his hand now instead of him jumper. Harry didn't respond.

Harry yanked her forward, rushing down the corridor. He was panting hard, and Liv had shut her eyes tight to try and avoid the situation all together. If they were about to come face to face with Pettigrew, she really didn't want to see it.

"Harry, I don't like this," Liv mumbled, the stress becoming unbearable. Harry looked down to the map - Pettigrew was so close, any seconds now he should be right there.

Liv opened her eyes quickly, just to check the map before she'd immediately shut her eyes again, but something else caught her eye. It wasn't Pettigrew's name, it was someone much worse.

"Harry!" Liv gasped, grabbing his wrist to lower his wand, muttering 'nox' to extinguish the light. "Snape!" She ushered him. "It's Snape!"

Before Harry could respond, the light was relit, thought it wasn't his own. There was Snape, staring menacingly at the pair at if his head was about to explode with anger. Liv prepared herself for the eruption.

"Potter," Snape he growled, eyeing him disapprovingly, before turning to Liv. "Black? What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?"

"I was sleep walking," Harry said proudly, Liv envied how quickly he'd come up with a (half) believable excuse.

To spare some time, she shuffled her feet nervously. "I was trying to wake him," she mumbled. What a stupid thing to say.

Snape began to sneer. "How extraordinarily like your Father's you are; them too were exceedingly arrogant, strutting around the castle doing what they shouldn't... turn out your pockets,"

Liv tried her hardest to ignore the comment about her Father - which proved difficult. Once again Liv's only focusing was trying to cause Snape hell; well, as much hell as she could cause in the middle of an empty corridor in the middle of the night.

"I don't have any pockets," She snapped.

"I was talking to Potter," Snape responded.

"You could have made that more clear," Liv said.

Snape bent over, towering over Liv menacingly. "Zip it,"

Snape snatched the rather obviously hidden map straight from the pocket of Harry's jumper - making both him and Liv jump and the sudden, reckless moment. "What's this?" He sneered.

"It's clearly just parchment," Liv snapped. Snape was towering over her again.

"I thought I told you to zip it?" He raised his voice, turning to Harry. "What is it, Potter?"

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now