Chapter 20 - Choices

Start from the beginning

And she slept a lot too, jolting awake when her phone started ringing. It wasn't her usual ringtone though. She had set a custom one for almost everyone she knew, at least those she talked to often. Her parents both had "His Eyes" by Pseudo Echo, Alex had "Killer" by Crazy Lixx, while Wendy and Stuart had "He's Back - The Man Behind the Mask" by Alice Cooper. All songs about Jason. The one that had woken her up instead was the one that she had set as the default for all the other numbers. Thinking about it now, having "Hello Zepp", Saw's main theme, blasting off wasn't such a great idea.

She retrieved the cell phone, that vibrated in the pocket of her jeans where she had forgotten it, reading on the screen "Unknown Number".

"Perfect, I was missing just Ghostface". Puffing, she answered the call, but instead of the usual "What's your favorite scary movie?" she heard her mother's voice.

"Mom? What phone are you calling from? "

"From the diner's, mine ran out of battery and I forgot to bring the charger. Why do you have this strange voice? Did something happen?" The woman asked in a worried tone. Jasmine sighed.

"No, nothing, I just fell asleep for... a bit."

"Knowing you, it must have been at least two hours. How can you go to bed at a decent hour if you sleep all afternoon?"

"All afternoon?! I must have done half an hour at most. " She lied. "Anyway, I'm playing with the guys tonight, so I'm not going to sleep early."

"Always with these violent videogames!"

"Mom, you are at work. Please avoid all of this. Why did you call?"

"Ah, right. Dad finishes work after me, so I'll wait for him to pick me up and we'll be there in about an hour. You prepare roasted carrots for dinner and the lemon dressing, we're going to bring some pork loin for tonight."

"Ok, I'll go do it now. Say...wouldn't you bring me a chocolate donut?"

"There are still the muffins you made, and you've already eaten a donut today."

"Uff. All right. See you later then." The two said goodbye and, sighing again, Jasmine stretched and got out of bed. Better to start immediately with the carrots, the whole family liked them a lot, so she had to peel and cut a lot of them.

She went down to the kitchen and started hes playlist on the phone, humming softly while she peeled and washed the carrots. Fortunately, the headache had passed, but she still did not feel totally fine. If there was one thing she didn't want at the moment, it was her mother lecturing her, or having to repeat with her the little chat she had with her dad after lunch. She'd better start finding talking prompts for the evening, and probably her best choice was to talk, as they surely would have to do anyway, about her not-a-date with Mike. Hoping that they would not start talking about the murders again, and this too was and argument that was likely they would bring up one way or another. The best solution was probably to hurry up to eat and rush to her room with the excuse of having an appointment with her friends. Meanwhile, Finn managed to get a little carrot to munch on.

When her parents finally got home, the table was already set, the carrots were almost ready in the oven and Jasmine had just finished preparing the mix of oil and lemon juice - with two pinches of salt and one of oregano - which her liked to put on meat. One of the few Italian things about her mother that she didn't like at all. Jasmine hated lemons, too sour for her sweet tooth.

The dinner was exactly as she had anticipated: an endless stream of questions about Mike and herself, and every time they mentioned the events of the night before, she tried to talk about something else without letting them see her discomfort. Fortunately, Robert said nothing about the little speech they had in the car, and Anna seemed calmer than she had been before. For this the girl was extremely grateful.

After finishing dinner, and after finishing the remaining muffins, she helped her mother clean up before running off to her room. She had confessions to make to her friends.


Hey there! Here I am, once again, with a chapter that is not very action-packed. I'm sorry.

But the next will be from Jason's point of view! So don't miss it, please!

As usual, I don't know when I will publish it, but I feel inspired enough now that I have managed to take the exam I was working on. Even if I have another in sight, I expect to be able to write a little more. I hope.

Chapter 22 will have to do with Friday the 13th the game, so let me know if you would like a description of an hypothetical gameplay, just to raise the kill-count of the story ;P

The aesthetic is another one I did, not the best but I just wanted to share these quotes that I think represent Jasmine quite well.

I also updated Jasmine's playlist a bit, adding some songs about Jason, although not all of them would be much appreciated by our girl (she doesn't like it when they tease or speak badly of her friend). I leave it to you in the comment on the side as usual →

Let me know if you have any suggestions for other songs! And also for the story, of course!

See you next time!

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