Week 21

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The team sat down around the table as Travis was serving lunch. "Travis you're going to cover aid car for me while I'm gone right?" Andy double checked. "As I said the first, second and third time you asked me, YES." He laughed. "Let's blame my pregnancy brain for that okay?" Andy said, loading pasta onto her plate. "Nope, you can't blame everything on being pregnant, you always double and triple checked everything." Vic said.

"Chief not joining us for lunch today?" Ben asked. "No he said he wanted to get some stuff done so he could come with me to our appointment." Andy answered.

"Oh will you get to know the gender today?" Vic asked excited. "Nope." Andy said and Vic looked very disappointed. "We won't get to know today because we already know." Andy said sassy. "Whaat, you already know?" Vic asked shocked. "Well tell us!" she demanded. "We decided to keep it our little secret for now." Andy explained. "But what about our bet?" Jack asked now. "Bet? You bet on the gender of our baby? Why am I even surprised." Andy sighed. "So when will you tell us because I'm feeling really good about my bet and I want my money." Jack said confident. "Let me talk to Robert." Andy chuckled.

The team enjoyed their lunch together, hoping they can eat and chat without a call interrupting them.

"You ready to go?" Robert asked walking into the beanery. "Yea, just need to grab my wallet." She said getting up and put away her dishes. She quickly went to her locker while Robert waited in the beanery.

"So, we heard you guys already know the gender." Travis said. "Yea but we are not telling you." Robert said. "Well you're going to have a talk with your wife about that because we need to know. I bet 20 bucks okay." Travis said. Robert shook his head and chuckled as he walked out.

Robert was replying to a few mails while they waited to be called in for their appointment. Andy shifted around in her seat, changing her position every few seconds. "You nervous?" Robert asked as he noticed. "Not really, I mean I feel fine so I think everything is fine but sitting here waiting is annoying. I just want to go in and have Doctor Wilson tell me that everything is good." Andy said. "Sounds a little nervous too me, but if it helps I'm a little nervous too." He admitted and took her hand.

"How is that supposed to help?" she whined. "You're supposed to be calm and collected and... calm! So that when my hormones drive me crazy you can be the voice of reason." She exclaimed. "That wasn't in the job description." He tried to joke but Andy just looked away annoyed. "I'm sure both of you are perfectly fine." He assured her. "Somehow I don't believe you right now." She hissed but before this could end in a fight they were called in.

"Hm okay, so it's still elevated. I'm going to give you a monitor and I want you to check your blood pressure three times a day." Dr. Wilson said. "Is now the time to worry?" Robert asked. "No, doctor appointments elevate blood pressure in a lot of people so let's see how it looks throughout the week. Do you have any other symptoms Andy?" Dr. Wilson asked. "Nope, I feel perfectly fine." Andy replied. "Alright then." She gave them a monitor so they could measure it at home. "I'll see you next week."

Hand in Hand they walked out quietly. Back in the car Robert broke the silence. "You know everything will be alright, right?" he asked her. Andy turned her head to him resting it against the seat. "I don't know." She replied honest. Feeling perfectly fine but knowing something could be wrong with their baby confused her to say the least.

Robert took her hand in his. "Well I do. I know. You're going to be fine and so will be our baby." Andy leaned forward and kissed him. While he wasn't his calm self in the waiting room before the appointment he was it now and it was what Andy needed while her mind was on a worry spiral.

While Robert drove them back to the station to finish their shifts, Andy thought it was a good time to bring up the teams request. "So... you know the team really wants to know the gender." Andy said. "Oh I know. Gibson bet 20 bucks." He chuckled. "Will he win?" Andy asked grinning. "Nope, he's going to get disappointed." Robert laughed. "Well then maybe we should tell them today. I could need that defeated look of Jack to cheer me up." Andy joked. "You mean it's going to be as good as yours when we found out?" Robert laughed thinking back.

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