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noun ~ a decorative object awarded as a prize for victory or success

I didn't like the look in his eyes as he opened the door. It made me uncomfortable. When I didn't enter behind him, he spun around to grab me by the back of my neck. Pulling me forward, he dragged me into the room.

Stumbling with my head to the ground, he dragged me past some chairs. My nose became overwhelmed with many unique perfumes. The room filled with murmurs that whispered past my ears, deep mumbles barely audible through my human ears.

We came to a stop at the foot of a grand table and Master released me harshly, causing me to fall to the floor. I landed in a huff, grimacing as my knees took the impact. Catching my breath, I used my hair as a barrier between me and this meeting.

"Thank you all for coming." Master announced, the room falling silent. "We are here to discuss the plan."


I raised my head in curiosity, finding the back of Master's suited legs. He stood in front of me, purposely blocking me from the wandering eyes. I peered around him, counting six people sat at the table. All male.

Two caught me looking as I peered around his legs. Both had scrutinising expressions. One was pale skinned, eyes a deep red with seemingly golden hair. The other held an olive skin tone, deep brown eyes, and a long sharp nose. I felt... gross under their gazes, a thousand goosebumps crawling upon my skin. I decided hiding behind Master's legs was the better option.

"As you can see, I have secured the highest score." Master continued. "I captured the most prestigious prize and therefore I am in charge of how this goes."

Prize? What was this place?

One man grumbled. "Why should I take orders from a hybrid?"

"I can beat you with one hand." Master snapped.

I flinched at his tone. He portrayed the venom behind his words clearly. My mind swirled with possibilities, however. He was a hybrid, so was he witch, wolf, or other? It explained how he could eat meat as well as require blood...

"Anyone object with rules, know the consequence." An elder voice announced, filling the tense space.

Grumbles followed him. The angry voice from before did not speak up again. I stayed quiet, steadying my breathing.

"As I was about to say, the female has her wolf subdued. She is as worthless as a human for now." He spoke clearly, causing me to raise my head in realisation.

They were talking about me.

"She does not look like she does in her picture." Brown eyed man hummed, glancing at me.

I narrowed my eyes on him, but he only quirked an eyebrow. He smirked at my defiance, and something about it reminded me of back home. My heart thumped in my chest and I looked away from his brown eyes with a frown.

"She has not been very well." Master admitted. "Her body is not adapting to the cold."

"Then put her somewhere warm." Brown eyes commented.

"And let her live as a princess?" Master scoffed. "She has been nothing but disrespectful and running her mouth when she has no permission."

"A feisty challenge."

Another spoke and I looked to see a man with light brown hair and blue eyes grinning in my direction. He was the male that spat at Master for being a hybrid. I shall call him grumpy. Looking at two other men, I found one blonde with blue eyes, and one bald with blue eyes. Baldy was the older voiced gentlemen, noticeable by his many wrinkles and greying beard.

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