Two months on... (nat pov)

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It's been two months since my death. And one month of emotional nightmares.

So as you all no Peter went on a mission to the last known hydra base trying to find the poison and he did. The only problem was, is that he didn't get back until 4 days after I died and so it was technically to late.

But Peter being Peter refused to let go of the hope that there was still something to be done. He gave the poison to bruce and Tony and they worked on finding me a cure. One month later... they did.

Then they needed to get my body out of the ground. Or so you would think. What they actually did was a swap at the funeral after Steve made a speech and everyone congregated. They swapped the coffin with an empty one and began lowering it into the ground and I have been laying in a bed in the hidden room in the lab the whole time.

So after they prepared the antidote to the poison they injected me with it. I went into a coma and after a week I finally woke up. The antidote had fought off the remaining poison and my black widow serum restarted my heart.

I would of gone to Steve straight away however I decided to wait two extra weeks because I needed to regain my strength and get better and I thought there would be no better way of surprising him than Valentine's Day.

And so here we are. I have prepared a picnic on the edge of the peer in front of the mansion and I'm going to guide Steve here.

The sun has travelled far enough over the sky to indicate that it is just turning to evening, the perfect time. If I can keep the conversation going long enough I can get Steve here just in time for the sunset.

All that's left now is to make the call. Keep calm. Breath. Don't give the game away.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

'Hello, who is this?' His voice is like velvet and hearing it again cuts right through me. I never thought it would have such an impact.

The breath is knocked out of me for a brief second before I reply sharply 'It does not matter who i am but it does matter what you do next'.

'Look today really isn't a day to mess with my head. I am messed up enough as it is on a normal day but today you could possibly send me over the edge' don't put the phone down Steve. Please don't put the phone down.

'Shut up, listen and do as I say. Believe me it will be worth it' please keep going.

'Fine what do you want me to do?' Thank god!

'First of all go back to the mansion and get changed into something nice. It is a special day after all' I smirk on my side of the phone and try not to give the game away.

Time lapse

'So what do I do know. I am changed into a suit' he actually took me seriously. I didn't think he would.

'Great. Now head to the closest mall to the mansion'


'Because I said so, now do as your told and hurry up. Phone bills are expensive these days' he could do with a bit of a tease, he sounds so depressed.
Time lapse

'Why am I here?'

'Because' I feel weak knowing I am about to call him his name 'Steve, you need to feel better on a day like today. Now I know that you miss Na-'

'Can we not mention her please'

'Why hit a nerve have I?' I didn't realise it would affect him this much.

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