She has my heart

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Sorry it's been so long. Exams are starting and it's so difficult to fit everything in. Bare with me I will get there. And I have a major storyline coming up so for now this is just a filler chapter. Sorry.
What are you guys thinking so far. Enjoying or not. Let me no😊 thanks to my best friend for helping me with an idea! I love her so much😘💙💜💙
(Steve POV)

The deeper into the ally I get the more uneven I feel. The fight has nowhere near begun but it will do soon. I can feel it.

The streets are dark as the morning light tries to break through the gaps between the tall New York buildings. Yep that's right we are back in New York for a mission.

We stopped at the tower for the night and it was just like old times. Although I do prefer our new home.

I make it to the edge of the next ally and peer round the corner. Just as I suspected I could see a group of men in suits with small hydra symbols on there briefcases.

Today red skull are making a deal and hydra agents are helping them to get hold of a serum without being intercepted. Well that's what they think.

Across the road I see Natasha standing there. Bruce is behind her getting ready to hulk out. I look behind me at Clint and he gives me a small nod.

When I look back round the corner the group are heading into the little Italian restaurant. The next ally down on the other side of the restaurant has Tony and Thor and across from them is a shield tag team. We also have back up teams situated all round in cars and on top of buildings. No doubt they will too.

About half an hour later they appear again and I signal to Natasha to get Bruce ready. Then we make our entrance.

It all starts so quickly. To men charge at me. I take one down with a swift blow from my shield and Clint shoots the other swiftly in the head.

The battle gets in full swing and I take down agent after agent without a second thought. That's when I see one getting away with a briefcase and I charge straight towards him.
(Natasha POV)

I charge at the next man and send a spider bite straight into his chest throwing him to the floor paralysed. I jump onto the shoulders of the next man but it was like he was expecting it and he swiftly spun me round and slammed my body into the bonnet of a car. He attempted to hit me but it never came.

I turn my head and see Steve has him pinned to the floor. The man has a briefcase and I jump to my feet like a bird of prey and take the bait straight from his hands. Steve sends blow after blow to his face. He will be gone soon. I set off heading away from them just as I hear a gun and the rippling pain in my spine sends me to the floor and then everything goes black.
(Steve POV)

I have the last man stuck under my iron grip. Everyone else dealt with his onterage and I began sendings blows to the leaders face.

Natasha took the brief case from his limp grip and flees the scene. Just as I send the last blow to his face he pulls the trigger of a gun I never knew he had. I slam my shield into his head and when I turn around I see Nat drop to the floor.
(Natasha POV)

I slowly blink my eyes open to see a bright light above me. Then a tall figures shadow blocks the light and I open my eyes fully. They take a minute to adjust from the blurry vision I once had and then I see him. My super soldier.

'Hey Rogers'

'Nat I have been so worried about you!'

'How long have I been out?'

'2 weeks. It has been the most hellish two weeks of my life. You almost di- it was so touch and go and nobody knew what was causing your heart to st- the symptoms of your coma were unknown. We didn't know how long it would take for you to come round, if you did come- I mean. Oh I have been so worried. I never left your side'

'Steve what is going on just tell me'

'We don't know. Your body has a strange kind of reaction. Your heart stopped for 20 minutes several times over the first 48 hours. Then you stabilised and went into a coma. They took you off the machine yesterday because they though you wouldn't come round ever and then you started breathing on your own'

'I'm sorry Steve'

'It's not your fault Natasha. Don't apologise. I love you Nat'

'I love you too Steve. Forever and always'

'Forever and always' and then i was dragged back under the wave of drugs until the next time I floated to the surface.
(Steve POV)


'You can't do this. You are killing her! You can't just give up and turn the machine off! Don't you know who you are dealing with her. She is the toughest person I know and you cannot give up on her after a few measly days! I will have you sued. Or better yet I will finish the job right now!'

'Steve, man you need to relax. I know this is difficult but you assaulting Natasha's doctor isn't going to help anyone'

'But Tony they-'

'No buts Steve, let them do there job we will just have to deal with it.'

'No. I am not about to watch the love of my life be turned off all because you have all given up on hope. I know she will pull through. I can feel it'

'It's not our choice. And anyway it's just a feeling'

'I want all of you too leave now. I need to say goodbye to Natasha alone. And if you have all given up then you can all leave'

'We will be at the tower. We aren't going home yet'

'May as well. It's not as if you care'

They each take turns to kiss Natasha on the forehead and say a short good bye and then it's just me and her.

'Nat. I don't know if you can here me but I am hoping this will help anyway because I am god damn sure that I am not gonna loose you. You are so strong, independent and brave. And you are the most perfect person I know. I know you hate compliments and would say your not perfect but neither am I. There is so much you don't realise that we share and I promise that if you pull through this I will spend everyday trying to prove to you how amazing and perfect you really are. I love you Nat forever and always. And if you don't pull through i promise you I will never love another women ever again. Because honestly. No one will ever compare to you. I love you Nat. Sweet dreams beautiful' I kiss her on the head and then nod my head to the doctor to turn the machine off.

I close my eyes and Gently squeeze Natasha's hand. Silence. The whole room. Nothing but silence.



Beep beep beep...

I open my eyes and see Natasha's heart rate monitor still beating. I look to the doctor who's jaw is hanging wide open.

'What's go-'

'Captain she is still alive. She is breathing on her own'

'Omg. Nat I love you please keep fighting' and then a small squeeze is felt on my hand. I smile and swirl like a little girl. When I look at the doctor he is staring at me 'what?'

'What's with your squealing. Your going crazy over her'

'Who? Natasha? She has my heart'
Short and crap I no. Sorry guys I am trying. Let me get my mocks out the way and I will get typing. Big storyline coming up! May do it like a sequel but you will have to decide closer to the time!🙈💜

'There's nowhere but up from here, My dear. Yeah, there's nowhere but up so tell me what we've got to fear. Past the sky and past the moon, I will fly across the galaxy as long as your with me baby. Honestly, with the strength from above, Were going nowhere but up'🎶💜

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