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Some of these chapters might be crap by I'm building up for an amazing storyline! Sorry guys. Big secrets😏 got to bring my favourite boy into this so if you don't like it then. Ha. I don't care😂💜

(Natasha POV)

'Well ma'am you are free to leave any time now'

'Thank You doctor'

'No need to thank me but remember no long travelling you need at least a week to take it easy. Keep on the crutches to help support your body because it will still be weak and you can also ditch them after a week but only if you feel up to it'

'Okay doctor. I'm going now'

'Okay don't forget to sign the papers on the way out'

'Thank You. Bye' and with that the door swung closed. I have been here for a month since I woke up because i had to fight off several infections but the doctor and me made an agreement that Bruce would take care of me now.

I step out of the hospital limply on my crutches. These are difficult to adjust to. I'm gonna be staying at the tower for a while but I'm not ready to go back yet. That's when I think of the perfect place to go to.

The park. Our park. Mine and Steve's.

I hobble in slowly and make my way to the old wooden bench under the shade of the oak tree.

I make it about a metre away when I hear quite simpering. When I look up from my feet I notice a boy about 19 sat on the bench, he has ear phones in and a picture on his phone and he is quietly crying to himself.

I sit down carefully and tap him 'are you okay'

'Ummm... Yes. I I immm fine Thankyou ma'am'

'Are you sure. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. I'm good at keeping secrets' I wink and he smirks. Then reality sinks in 'wait. Aren't you black widow'

'Yes but I'm also Natasha Romanoff who is an excellent secret keeper'

'You promise?'

'Of course'

'This girl is. Was my girlfriend. Her name is Gwen. Gwen Stacey and she was the most amazing girl in the world. I was just listening to her graduation speech. Do you want to hear it?'

'Yes please'

It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too.
There will be days where you feel all alone and that's when hope is needed most.
No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you most promise me that you will hold on to hope.
Keep it alive! We have to be greater than what we suffer..
My wish for you is to become hope.. People need that..
And even if we fail... what better way is there to live?
As we look around here today at all the people who helped make us who we are,
I know it feels like we're saying goodbye but we will carry a piece of each other into everything we do next...
To remind us of who we are.. and if we were meant to be.
I've had a great 3 years with you.. ill miss you all very much.

'That was inspirational. She really is amazing'

'Yep she was my inspiration'

'Why do you keep saying was. Did she dump you or move away?'

'I wish. No she died a few months ago'

'I'm so sorry erm. What what's your name?'

'Peter... Peter Parker'

'I'm so sorry Peter. What happened'

'Can you promise me that you can keep a secret because this is really big.'

'Of course. I swear'

'I'm spider man'

'But wait. What?! Spiderman disappeared a couple of months ag- oh right so when she died you stopped being spiderman'



'Because it was my fault she died. She wanted to help me. We defeated electro but my best friend wanted revenge because I didn't help him blah blah. He appeared after our battle with electro and took her. He dropped her and I caught her. We landed inside the clock tower. She was hanging onto a web but it snapped. I jump after her and shot another web but. I. Was. Too late. She hit her head. The impact. It. Killed her'

'Peter I'm so sorry but it wasn't your fault. She made the decision to help you and she chose to put herself in danger'

'But I made her dad a promise when he died. I promised to keep Gwen out of it'

'Looks like she didn't care to me.'

'But I did and now she is gone'

'What did Gwen say in her speech?'

'I don't know'

'No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you most promise me that you will hold on to hope.'

'She loves you and you need to be spiderman! nothing can stop love. I should no'

'How do you no. I think it's your turn to tell a secret'

'I love Steve Rogers. Aka captain America. I was taught at a very young age that love is for children and that I should not love but yet I fell for the captain and when I fell, I fell hard'

'Maybe you two should stay children forever then'


'Love is for children. You two will stay young and in love forever'

'Thank You Peter that really helped'

'No problem'

'Do you fancy meeting the avengers. You don't have to tell them your secret although I no they all love and miss you'


We get back to the tower and I introduce Peter. When he gets mixed into the crowd I slip away to see Bruce. Nobody knew but he ran me some blood and other tests to see what was going on with me body.

The elevator stops and the door slides open into the lab.

'Hi Bruce'

'Oh hello Natasha'

'So have you got my results'

'Yes they have just come back'

'Great. Now this stays between me and you okay. Nobody and I mean nobody finds out'


'So what's the verdict'

'Well Natasha it's...'


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