"I hear you." She replied, unfolding her arms. "Is there anything else you need?"

"Nope. I'll be checking in from time to time, but this is your lead. Trinity has been on my ass about not being involved with the business as much as possible. So I don't need her thinking I'm hardheaded."

Sincere laughed and shook her head. "She's not dumb you know. She definitely knows your hardheaded D."

He smacked his lips and pointed to the door. "Girl get out."

She laughed harder and stood up from the chair, reaching over to shake up with him. "I'll keep you up to date on what's going on, keep an eye out. Stay safe."

"Girl I'm always careful, you better stay safe. Watch yo back and definitely watch your front, cause you never know when you're shaking hands with the very person who snaked you."

"True that." She agreed, turning around to leave. Demetrius followed her out with his eyes before shaking his head.

All he wanted to do was get up and go help her, but he really was trying his best to slowly but surely fall back from his beloved drug empire.

One day at a time.


Amire cleared his throat as he answered the phone, watching his surroundings. He was still at the airport waiting to be picked up. "Wassup ma."

"I'm not gonna lie I miss you."

Taivon's voice brought a smile to his face as he leaned against wall. "Girl I just left today."

"Okay and? I didn't realize that you were leaving for god knows how long! Like we literally just took baby steps into a positive direction and boom now you're gone." He knew she was frowned up.

He sighed. "Soon as I take care of things here I'll be back Tee. We talked about this."

"I hear you," Her voice still sounded sad. "I understand you had to go and take care of your grandmother. I just wish she lived here instead of Atlanta. Speaking of how was your flight?"

"It was good. I forgot how cold it can get in Atlanta during November." He chuckled, lying straight through his teeth. There was no way in hell he could tell Taivon where he actually was, because she'd ask to many questions.

When explaining why he had to suddenly leave, he told her his grandmother needed him and with the help of connections on the college board, he was able to switch over to remote learning for the remainder of the semester. He didn't know how long he was going to be away, so it was the safest lie. He didn't want too, but he knew he had too.

"Well you still gone come visit me whenever you get the chance right? Especially with you possibly being gone until the new year."

"Of course," He licked his lips. "I'ma fly back for a few days."

"Well I can be patient till then, but I deserve an actual date or something." She joked, making him laugh.

"I gotchu mama, you know that. Hold it down for me during this lil time apart and I'll give you whatever you want." He smirked, knowing his double meaning.

"You so nasty." She laughed. "But I have to study for this exam coming up, so I'll talk to you later right?"

"I said I was gonna call you every night woman."

"I'm just making sure!" She smacked her lips. "Bye mean ass."

"Don't say bye, I'll see you later." He knew that made her smile as it grew silent on the other end.

"See ya later Mir."

He smiled and hung up the phone, looking up at the sound of someone clearing their throat. He froze when his eyes landed on the extremely attractive girl standing in front of him. He couldn't even help but to check her out before meeting her eyes again.

"Can I help you?" He questioned.

"You're Ace right?"

He made a face. "Depends on whose asking."

Sincere just smirked at him. "I'm Sin, your new partner while you're here. I was sent to pick you up so let's go, we got places to be."

He was a little shocked, because he didn't know what to expect. When Antwan said D's second in command was a girl, he surely wasn't expecting her to look like that. His first thoughts was how in the hell she even got into this life.

He grabbed his suitcase and stood up, towering over her a few inches. "Where we going? Cause a nigga cold as fuck. Y'all New Yorkers a different breed living like this."

She laughed and shook her head, eyeing his appearance. "Yeah I would be cold too with that flimsy ass coat you got on. Come on I'll take you somewhere to get you a real coat," Her eyes fell to his Jordan's. "And some appropriate shoes cause it's definitely going to snow tonight."

"Sounds like a plan partner." He smirked at her.


Chapter 9, Part 1/2 🤍

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