Part 5: Healed

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Happy tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you made your way to the end of Druig's bed. You couldn't stop the smile that began to take shape on your face.

"Too bad the Deviant didn't kill that cocky attitude of yours." You said, crossing your arms and sending a wink Makkari's way.

"Nah, couldn't let it do that. I know it's your favorite part about me." Druig said, straightening himself against the headboard and sending you a wink.

"Okay, Makkari, "Phastos said, clapping his hands together. "I think that's our queue to leave." He stood from his chair.

"I'll come check on you later, if you want." Makkari signed to Druig, smiling softly.

"It's okay, I've got all the company I need." Druig said, grinning in your direction.

"Yep, time to go." Phastos said, making a quick exit.

You laughed lightly, rolling your eyes as the man walked by.

"Just please don't make a bunch of noise. My bedroom is next door and I'd like to not have nightmares tonight." Phastos shuttered dramatically.

"Phastos, not the time!" You yelled, blushing deeply, making Druig laugh.

"No promises." Druig called out as Phastos made a bee line for the door.

"Lah lah lah, I'm not listening!" Phastos called back, plugging his ears.

Makkari rolled her eyes and smiled, patting you on the shoulder on her way to the door. She threw a sly grin your way before pulling the door shut.

You put your head in your hands, trying to hide your burning face. These people will be the death of me.

Crossing around the bed, you took a seat in the vacated chair. Druig still had that same smile plastered across his face as he watched your every move. You shifted nervously under his gaze, pulling your y/c/h over your shoulder.

"How are you, my moon?" Druig asked, reaching out and taking your hand to interlace his fingers with yours. His touch calmed your shaking nerves.

"Now that I know you're not dead, you mean?" You asked, a soft smile playing on your lips. "Much better."

"C'mere." Druig pulled you gently, motioning for you to join him on the bed. Shifting over slightly, he pulled the covers back so you could scoot in beside him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you. You're still healing." You said, gingerly moving yourself beside him.

"And what better way to heal than to have my girl beside me." He smiled, caressing your cheek.

His girl. You loved the way that sounded.

You studied his face for a long moment, running your hand along his jawline and up into his hair. He looked perfect in the soft light of the room. You placed your hand along the side of his head, right where it had been not an hour earlier. A flashback to the bloody scene came rushing back to you.

"Druig, I was so scared." You said, tears welling in your eyes again. "When I saw you in there, I just..." you stopped yourself, holding back the sobs that threatened to overtake your body once again.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm alright, see. Didn't even leave a scratch." Druig said, cupping your chin. Soft tears began to flow, slowly trickling down your cheeks.

"You weren't okay. I couldn't even recognize you. I hope I never have to see that again." You whispered through your tears.

"My darling," Druig said, turning your chin up to look at him. "My beautiful, beautiful Y/N. If there's one thing I need you to know," he paused, wiping your cheek. "I'm never going to leave you. Arishem himself will have to kill me first." His own tears were welling in his eyes now. Leaning up, you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.

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