Part 3: Arrival

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You awoke slowly the next morning, a feeling of giddiness taking over from the memories of your dance with Druig. How could it be possible that this man felt this way all these years. In your wildest dreams you had never imagined this could happen but here you were. You were pulled from your thought when an arm came to rest over your middle. Stiffening under the sudden weight, you slowly turned to come face to face with a pair of blue eyes.

"Goodmorning, my moon." Druig whispered, sleep still heavy in his voice.

"Druig, what are you still doing here?" You whisper yelled back, rolling to face the man laying in your bed.

"After you fell asleep last night, you looked so peaceful. I just couldn't leave you." Druig smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before connecting his with yours.

"Druig! What if you're caught? I thought we were keeping a low profile?" You mused, a light giggle leaving your lips.

"Relax, my love," he combed a hand through your hair, "I'm just down the hall. If someone catches me leaving, I'll just say I was out for an early stroll through the Domo." He shrugged lightly, pulling an eyeroll from you. "But I should go. Ajak will be awake soon." Giving you one last kiss, he rolled away from your form. You groaned at the loss of body heat, pulling a laugh from the man.

"It's not like you'll never see me again." He shot you a flirtatious wink as he made his way for the door.

"Yeah, yeah. See you in a little bit." You huffed out, pulling the covers up over your head to hide your smile. You listened as he opened the door, letting the latch click shut quietly. Just then, a soft tune began to form in the back of your mind. Before you could catch all of it, you were lulled back in by the strong arms of sleep.

Two hours later

You made your way to Phastos' lab with a light spring in your step. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't hold back the large smile that played on your lips. Last night had been like a dream. Waking up next to the man you had been so in love with all these years was a sight you would be more than okay with seeing. Coming into the central meeting place, most of your fellow Eternals were already gathered there, awaiting their instructions for the mission.

"Good morning, everyone." You sang, stepping onto the large round space. Making your way toward Sersi, you took a seat beside your friend.

"Good morning, Y/N. You seem awfully happy today. Anything new?" She pried, using a smile to hide her inquiring glance. You noticed the small glace she made toward your hand, her eyes faltering ever so slightly before resting on your own y/e/c again.

"I'm just in a particularly good mood today, is all." You lie, giving her arm a squeeze. I very VERY good mood. And all because of Druig. Looking around the room, you noticed he wasn't in yet. He must have fallen back sleep after he snuck out of your room this morning. Bighting back a smile, you turned back to your friend.

"And what brings on this glowing mood today, my dear Y/N? You heard Kingo ask as he sauntered across the room.

"Can I not just be in a good mood?" You ask defensively, your smile still in your eyes.

"No, I mean you're literally glowing. Like, literally." Kingo deadpanned, gesturing to your small form.

"Yeah, Y/N. It's a little hard to miss." Phastos chimed in from his place along the far wall.

"Must be pretty good," Gillgamesh said, gesturing in your direction. "I've never seen you like this before."

Looking down, you noticed they were right. A small light seemed to pulsate from your body, radiating around the room. Suddenly, you noticed the tune that had been swimming in your head earlier that morning. Closing your eyes, you listened as the sweeping melody took form in your minds eye.

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