A Sequel - Finally!

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Yes! You read that right. The very long awaited, and incredibly super extremely highly demanded, sequel is finally here, thank Jesus!! (and me of course).

All of your questions will be answered in this sequel.

There is a bit of a trigger warning:
Harry obviously bullied Kaye intensely, but what Niall did to her was so much worse. Niall will pay for assaulting Kaye. There will be justice for both girls in this book, don't worry!
You'll see how Harry and Kaye decide to raise Darcy and Shay, you'll get to see them as parents!
Harry will also find peace and get justice. There will be several chapters shared between his mother and him, possibly a few heart to heart talks in the works.
And there will definitely, absolutely, most definitely be some horribly terrible relationship problems because.. why wouldn't there be?? 😩🤷‍♀️
So if you're sensitive to bullying, emotional or physical abuse, therapy sessions, sexual assault, psychological abuse, or drug use and abuse; read with caution.
This book will contain a lot of heartache, you've been forewarned. Please keep the comments respectful!


The first chapter will be written and published this week.

Thank you for giving this book a chance. I genuinely apologize that it took so long for me to find the inspiration and motivation for this story, but I'm going to put my all into this story to make it the absolute best book it can possibly be :)

Thanks for being here for so long! If you're not new here, tell me in the comments please, at what age did you read Bullied by Harry Styles and now at what age are you that I'm finally publishing a sequel??

(for those of you that didn't know, i was supposed to make a sequel within the next two years after finishing BBHS, but at 18 i experienced a brutally traumatic event that set my mental illness off and it's taken this long to become o k again/and i honestly didn't even plan this sequel- i really just got the urge to make it tonight, so i made a cover, updated everybody and as soon as i get the first chapter written, edited and proof read, i will have it published!)

I'm so excited !! 🥰 🤗 i hope you are too!!

and Please, tell me what you would like to see happen in this book! I'm open to any suggestions (:

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