chapter five.

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"h-hey," ira silently cursed at her stammer. "since you're leaving- can i have your number?"

"no!" bakugo blurted out without a second thought, his defence mechanism answering for him. damn it! why'd i say that for!? 

"" she repeated in a quiet voice. 

oh sh-t i've messed up now. luckily for this dumbass, his best friend kirishima eijiro knows him too well to know that he indeed does want this pretty girl's number.

"it's, uhh, because hiS PHONE'S BROKEN!" kirishima ended up shouting in the middle of his lie, excited that he came up with such a clever one in such a short time. ira raised an eyebrow at the spiky haired boy, well aware in the little amount of time they spent together that he was a bad liar.

"yeah... it's in the shop right now." bakugo hesitantly played along, not wanting ira to feel like he didn't care. not that he did, well that's what he told himself anyway.

"oh, okay..." she awkwardly trailed off and picked up her bag that contained a single slice of lemon cake. just as she went to leave, the tinkling of bells indicating that she had opened the door, a loud shout told her to wait. turning part of her body around to see who had called her, she saw the waiter who took her order jumping over the counter with a small box in his hand. he shoved bakugo out of the way ever so slightly, but bakugo got what he was really trying to say - back off, i want her.

"here," he smiled with his light green hair flopping over his eyes, "it's on the house." 

"no no, it's fine!" ira exclaimed in surprise. "i have my cake, that's all i came for."

the waiter placed the box in her hand and wrapped his hands around hers. ira, once again, blushed profusely as he leant his face close to hers - which was way too close for bakugo.

"hey f-ck face! she said she doesn't want it!" he shouted, nostrils flaring while his hands produced small sparks. the waiter pulled away from ira, a scowl evident on his face as he stared bakugo up and down. ira's eyes looked between the boys as the whole cafe stopped what they were doing to watch the two teenage boys.

"w-whell would you look at the tiMe!?" ira said comically, loud enough for the two to hear. 

"y-yeah! we should, should really get going! let's go... you." kirishima nervously stammered and eyed them as he walked around a furious bakugo and steaming waiter to get to ira who was ready to bolt home, dig a hole and die in it. kirishima lightly wrapped his hand around ira's upper arm and walked quickly, her following intently. 

"you don't think they'll kill each other do you?" she asked partly joking, her eyes struggling to get a view of the cafe - she half expected there to be police cars and a dead body. when she didn't get a reply she stopped in her place and watched kirishima.

"do you?" she repeated with a worried undertone and a raised eyebrow.

"weeell, it is bakugo we're talking about." he fumbled with his phone and dialed a number. no-one picked up.

"will you stop calling me already!?" a rough voice asked as he walked over to the two fearful idiots in front of him, hands in his pocket as if he didn't just cause a whole scene.

"what the actual f-ck?" ira whispered. would this happen every time she left the house on her own? is this a normal thing? judging by kirishima's reaction it wasn't. she blinked once, twice and threw her hands up as if she was surrendering to the enemy. 

"it's official, i'm never leaving the house again." she muttered to herself and went to herself walk away.


"not aGaiN!" she groaned but turned around nonetheless, only to have a phone shoved in her face.

"well this doesn't seem very broken to me." she said with a raised eyebrow. bakugo was bushing and faced the other way.

"shut up." he mumbled. ira took the phone and typed in her number. 

"now i can tell you when i'm in the clearing instead of you waiting for me everyday."

"you know i did that!?" bakugo shouted, embarrassed.

"i do now." she chuckled heartily and waved farewell to both boys.

"ayy, you got her number! somehow..."

"shut up sh-tty hair!" bakugo barked and went back to his phone, blushing at what she saved her name as.


"hmmm? what's this in the fridge?" hawks questioned as he took a box out of the fridge. he opened it to see a lemon slice with a little bird on it. just then, ira flopped on the couch and unpaused her programme. he looked at his sister from the kitchen and a small smile made its way upon his face.

"soo, kento do any shopping?" he asked nonchalantly and leant on the island that over looked the living room.

"no." the girl replied asked she munched on her crisps, not sparing her brother a glance, her eyes glued to the t.v. 

"is this cake yours?" he asked and an amused smirk was created when ira stiffened up and paused the t.v.

"well, yeah. but i don't wanna eat it right now." she turned around, sitting cross-legged as she now faced her brother.

"how come?" 

ira mentally groaned and rolled her eyes at the excuses she had to make because of his stupid questions.

"because i don't."

"so shall i put it back in the fridge?" he innocently asked. ira clenched her fists and turned back around to watch t.v.

"yup, i'll eat it later." she replied through clenched teeth. 

"lemon is yummy isn't it?"

"yeah yeah, delicious. my favourite, um yum in my tum." she stiffly said and held a thumbs up for her annoying brother to see. liar, he thought to himself, you hate lemon.


hawks opened his door at 6am, having just woken up all moody and tired. you'd think he was used to it after how long he's been a hero. but what he saw truly lifted his spirits. on the kitchen island was the slice of lemon cake he pulled out last night. and with a note: took a bite and found it disgusting, you can have it and suffer :)

but the cake was untouched and perfectly presented, along it a warm cup of milk.

jan 27 2022

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