chapter one.

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"what the f-ck?" the angry gremlin mumbled to himself as he pushed through some bushes. he was in the forest, training with his quirk when the sudden sound of strings took over the atmosphere. it was absolutely murderous, the strings broke through the air in sharp, discordant strikes. he was met with the sillouette of a girl, wings tucked away behind her, violin in one hand, bow in the other. she attempted to play the instrument again but instead completely butchered it.

"why have the gods forsaken me!?" she dramatically shouted out, hands reaching for the sky before she fell to her knees. her wings suddenly shot out, fully stretched, and gracefully lifted her off the grassy terrain. the clearing was large and peaceful - tucked away in the middle of the forest, hidden from the outside world. the occasional flowers shot out of the ground and greeted her with a smile as they swayed ever so slightly from the wind created by her wings. 

"en garde!" she shouted and held out the violin bow in front of her, the actual violin balancing off her shoulder as she loosely held it with her left hand. this girl (who clearly had no life) had created an imaginary world where she was the heroine, fighting effortlessly to protect those who had been captured. she was jumping, running, rolling around and the violin had miraculously remained unharmed - well that was before she rolled her ankle and dropped to the floor.

"aH!" she let out as she tumbled to the ground, "whAt the hell? i was just wAlking!" she exclaimed in disbelief before she flopped onto her back and stared at the orange-pink sky. 

"gross." she mumbled to herself and waved her legs up in the air.

"what the f-ck is this girl?" he quietly questioned as he watched her intently. he shook his head and grumbled to himself, why was he watching this crazy child? she was clearly delusional, fencing with a violin bow, and clearly tone deaf - the damn extra couldn't even play the stupid instrument. he was about to walk away when her heavenly voice rang out in excitement.

"kento-kuun!" she shouted as she jumped and ran to the mysterious dude. gosh, is all she does shout? bakugo thought to himself as he crouched down and subconsciously decided to stay longer. she tackled him in a hug, to which this kento wrapped his arms around her in order to steady himself as well as the girl. once she let go of him, bakugo saw that he was a fairly young man - probably in his early 20's - dressed in a black suit, brown hair slicked back with gel and a pen behind his ear: it was probably for the clipboard he threw on the floor before he was tackled.

"takami-san-"he started but was cut off by a stern voice.

"ira-chan, just because i'm going to remember you for the rest of my life does not mean you have to be prOFessIONal."

kento chuckled to himself as he picked up his clipboard from the floor. 

"ira-chan, it's getting late and you know you're supposed to be home before nightfall." he told the girl with a pointed look. 

"yeah, yeah, it's a matter of my sAfETY because goodness forbid i talk to," she paused and over exaggerated her gasp, " a person." 

she put a hand to her head and walked backwards - and upon seeing the unamused look on kento's face she hid her face with her hands and lightly pushed his shoulder.

"kento-kun, don't look at me like that. i know i'm hot and all that but our love is a forbidden one." she gave him an innocent smile to which he just rolled his eyes, used to her childish antics. 

"ira-chan, i'm a year older than your brother." he deadpanned.

"EWW! THAT'S SO GROSS, SHUT UP!!" she shouted and ran a metre away from him. she looked at him, as he raised an eyebrow at her, and fake gagged. 

"let's go home, you've spoiled my taste for adventure." she mumbled as she walked past him, hair falling into her face. as she walked away, kento following straight after, bakugo noticed the faint green tint on her wings as the setting sun fell.

"ira takami." bakugo mumbled to himself, letting the taste of what he gathered to be her full name settle on his tongue. 

jan 15 2022

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