chapter two.

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bakugo had found himself coming to the clearing in the forest more and more frequently, and he wasn't a fan of it.

"why am i coming here anyway? because of a stupid girl?" he questioned out loud. he quickly shook his head and tried to brush the thought away.

"no - of course not! it seems like a good place to train and practice my quirk. yeah, that's it..." he trailed off before he ripped open the bushes to reveal the clearing that had plagued his mind. his crimson eyes scanned the area but saw no sign of any humans, just a few birds chirping in the trees and the occasional squirrel running across to the other side. bakugo's shoulders dropped slightly and was about to turn around and make his way home when he the flap of some wings. hoping for it to be the mystery girl, his head snapped back to the clearing - but to his dismay there was nothing.

"i'm already here, might as well train a bit." and with that thought on his mind, he pushed through the bushes and started to stretch before the rustle of tree leaves brought him on edge. after the attack on USJ bakugo had been more careful with his surroundings, being a little more aware of who was around him and what they were doing. he took a deep breath and started to blow some sh-t up. after half an hour of practicing his explosions, fighting techniques and hand to hand combat, he heard a crunch. he paused, ready to fight. after a few seconds, another crunch - and came from the right. 

he slowly walked over to the edge of the clearing, cautious and prepared and heard it again. after hearing the crunch, he realised it came from above him so naturally he peered into the trees and squinted. there he saw white wings that faded to green along with wavy hair to match them. bakugo blushed, remembering that the girl he saw, ira takami, had a green tint on her wings. quietly, he climbed up the neighbouring tree and sat on a branch directly next to hers. she turned around after a minute or two and raised her eyebrows, clearly not expecting to see another person in a tree - let alone a good looking one. her eyes scanned the stranger in front of her as she took another crisp and plopped it in her mouth.

"crisp?" she asked as she handed out the packet in front of her, the chilli aroma immediately burning bakugo's nose hairs and thus knocking him out of his trance like state. he was studying her, as weird as it sounded. she had a ghost drawing by her eye and above it an eyebrow piercing as well as a snake bite piercing in the middle of her bottom lip. her eyes were the same colour as her hair, green, but had a glint of curiosity. on the left side of her neck there were a few visible lines that went down to her right, slanted as they fell. were they tattoos? just who is this girl? bakugo thought to himself before he was offered a crisp.

"uh, no i'm good." he answered awkwardly. tattoos or not, she's gorgeous. what!? snap out of it katsuki! he took a deep sigh in order to gather his thoughts.

"i saw you training down there." she started and took another crisp. she was watching me!?

"you've got a powerful quirk, you go to u.a right?" before he could answer she continued talking. "i saw you at the sports festival, congrats on winning by the way."

"were you in the festival?" he asked without thinking. he mentally slapped himself, of course not dumbass. he knew he would've recognised such a peculiar person.

"nah, i was watching you at home though." crunch

"what school d'you go to?" bakugo asked, maybe she'd be in a hero course as well.


"no?" he repeated confused. does she not wanna share her school? fair enough, we just met. but she knows mine-

"i'm home schooled." she elaborated. crunch. "you sure you don't want one? a snack would get your energy up."

she held out the crisp packet again, this time revealing an epensive looking bracelet with a red feather on it that made it look tacky. bakugo raised an eyebrow at the mismatched jewellery and took a crisp. she followed his gaze and scoffed slightly.

sequoia || katsuki bakugo   (alt title. tREE)Where stories live. Discover now