chapter four.

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"you good bakubro?" the ball of sunshine asked as he waved his hand out in front of bakugo's face. he snapped out of his trance and angrily glared at his idiot or, what wouldn't openly admit, friend.

"what?" he asked aggressively. kirishima put two hands up in mock surrender.

"woah man, you've kinda been spacing out. just wanted to see if you're okay." kirishima said before taking a bite out of his rock cake with custard on top. the two were in a cosy cafe together, kirishima claiming that baukgo needed to chill. originally it was the whole bakusquad hanging out, but after a clumsy dunce face spilled popcorn over the temperamental troll and a lot of curse words being carelessly flung around it was just kirishima and bakugo left.

the atmosphere was calm, there were balls of light floating around and mismatched mirrors hung on one wall. it was quiet, with the general hum of chatter in the background. kirishima was babbling on about who knows what, probably about how the different deserts have cute names that correspond with the flavour, while bakugo was staring out into space. it had been three days since his first meeting with ira, and he wanted to see her again. despite going to the clearing everyday, she was never there. she said she'd see him again, so why wasn't she there? ack, you sound like a needy brat. she's doing what she's doing, who cares if she hasn't met up with you? 

the tinkling of bells rang throughout the small cafe but bakugo paid no attention to it, just more people to potentially annoy him. he abruptly stood up, his chair making an ear piercing screech against the wood floor, and stomped over to the counter. 

"how much for the strawberry cupcake?" he roughly asked, but was ignored.

"hey!" he shouted, but the waiter was still in a trance. bakugo looked over in his direction and immediately widened his eyes. his scowl was replaced by a look of slight shock and his fingers twitched. sitting in the corner of the booth by the large window wall was just the girl who claimed his thoughts. her white wings dipped in green tucked away neatly behind her, hair tied up in a ponytail causing her many ear piercings to show themselves as she wore a sleeveless turtleneck top and black jeans, her arm tattoo on display. 

"hey, what you staring at?" kirishima asked while bakugo warily took his seat which gave him a front row seat of the only person who didn't infuriate him. meanwhile over in the corner of takami, said girl was a nervous wreck. 

she fiddled with her fingers that were placed on her lap under the table and tried to occupy herself with the many cars passing by. ira could feel the stares she was getting and had to look away from the window due to the passerby's gazes. she felt self conscious. originally, she was ecstatic at her opportunity to go out on her own. but she realised that without kento, people were free to stare as there was no-one to glare at them. she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. you're completely fine, it's just like any old trip out. you need to pull yourself together or you'll never be let out again!

"what can i get you m'lady?" a voice caused ira to jump in shock, her wings stretching out to their full length as a reflex. the chatter stopped abruptly and if there were any people who weren't watching her before, they definitely were now. ira blushed a bright red and cursed herself for tying her hair up, unable to hide her embarrassed state.

"oh my- i'm so sorry!" she apologised, panic clear in her voice as she held a hand out. the poor waiter had stumbled back when her wings flew out and tripped over his own feet.

"no, no. it's my own fault for falling." he chuckled and took her hand. ira had pulled the boy up too hard which lead to both teenagers standing a tad too close, noses almost touching. the boy was in shock but quickly recovered and snaked an arm around her waist. ira let out a nervous squeak and stiffened up.

"your order?" he smirked.

"onesliceoflemoncake." she ordered as fast as she could, too flushed in the moment to ask him to let go of her. he winked at her before removing his arm and walking away. she felt like she couldn't breathe but sat back down anyway, still feeling the many eyeballs facing her. oh f-ck, oh sh-t, oh f-ck. she groaned and face planted the table.

"i'm never leaving the house again." she mumbled to herself.

"then how're you gonna meet up with my bro?" a bright voice chirped from the seat in front of her. ira raised her head up, her chin leaning on the table.

"eijiro kirishima!" he introduced. "my bro's been staring at you and muttered something about meeting you before."

"blondie boom-boom?" she questioned, now sitting up straight. she knew full well that she hadn't conversed with a single stranger, nyet person, other than her brother and kento for a good... all her life.

"exactly! he just went to the bathroom, probably to calm himself down. boy did he get angry when your whole fiasco happened!" ira blushed at the scenario before groaning, now feeling embarrassed as hell again.

there an awkward silence between the two. 

"hey can i take a picture of you?" kirishima asked, perking up the tension between them. ira cocked an eyebrow.


"oh no, not in a weird way! me and bakugo... do photography!" he smiled, trying to pass off the lie. ira furrowed her eyebrows, slightly suspicious of the boy. 

"i didn't know that heroes in training did photography." she answered.

"uh, yeah... you know. we have hobbies to."

"i'm pretty sure that u.a students aren't allowed to do extracurricular clubs." ira narrowed her eyes at the red-head before her and held both her hands on the table. kirishima couldn't help but feel intimidated at the taller girl as her green eyes seemed to glow in the dark aura that had wrapped around her. he had physically sweat dropped in his seat and was frozen in fear. 

"but yeah, sure. whatever floats your boat my dude." in an instant, the horrific aura that chilled kirishima to the bone disappeared and the atmosphere felt untainted - leaving a very emotionally confused shark sat in his seat looking quite dumbfounded.

"hey, sh-tty hair! we're leaving!" bakugo shouted as he emerged from the bathroom, roughly pulling on his jacket.

"without saying hello? i'm hurt." ira's voice rang out from her seat, a playful pout displayed on her face as she looked at him. bakugo, mesmerised at the girl, slowly walked over to her and sat besides kirishima who was fumbling for his phone.

"what're you doing?" his low voice questioned. kirishima's brain had started fizzing, his now emotional trauma with ira was one thing - but now the katsuki bakugo said a sentence without shouting. it was too much for him.

"hey! i'm talking to you!" well that was short lived. just then a chime of giggles came from the winged girl who feeling much more comfortable. she held a tattooed hand over her mouth, elbow resting on the table. 

"so how do you want me to pose?" she asked kirishima. pose? bakugo questioned inside his head.

"uhm, just anything is fine." kirishima nervously answered, uncomfortable with the lack of preparation gone into his lie. he had come up with it on the spot and obviously had no idea where it was originally supposed to lead to. (not my sleep deprived brain waffling on about what I'm doing with the story rn)

ira held up a peace sign with her fingers and stuck out her tongue on the side of her mouth, one eye (open when I'm sleEping, one eEeYE) shut.


bakugo sat there confused, and looking dumb. did kirishima just take a picture of ira? 

AN: awwwwwww man I'm in love with this story, I reallllllllly want to post it, but I literally don't know what to write next or where I'm going with this story. I have no plans and am only relying on my fake scenarios I think of before I go to bed and then applying them to this story. :P

jan 22 2022

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