how to disappear completly. march 1994

Start from the beginning

"They're not animals," Dean hissed. "They're people,"

Liv's heart warmed just a little.

"Try telling that to the next person to get mauled by one of those monsters,"

Nevermind. Liv's heart was now ice cold.

"Don't be so rude," Padma snapped, standing up. Everyone was staring at her strangely. "Monsters? Really, Seamus? They can't help what they are," she continued, looking disappointed.

"Did you not pay attention to Snape's class?" Lavender piped up. "They're dangerous! It's wrong to have them so close to people, let alone near a school,"

"They're hasn't been a werewolf attack since you-know-who's time," Ron piped up. "It's probably getting it's revenge on innocent people,"

"Have you people lost your minds?" Padma yelled, crossing her arms. Everyone looked shocked, including Liv. "This is unbelievable, how dense can you be? Just because someone's a werewolf doesn't mean they're a follower of You-Know-Who!"

"Since when did you join a Werewolf fan club?" Seamus yelled back. "Have some sympathy for once, Patil,"

Although they'd been yelling, Liv hadn't heard a word they'd said, managing to block all the noise out to focusing on the loud buzz that she wasn't sure where it was coming from. When the noise became too overwhelming, she stood up abruptly, wiping a quick tear away on her sleeve, before releasing all eyes were on her.

"Liv..." Padma breathed, noticing the sudden, drastic change in Liv's hair color. She rushed to her side.

"I'm okay," she said, and turned to her group of friends. "You guys are just sad, really,"

Liv left the room as quickly as her short legs would take her, still in her pink sweatpants and floral pajama top, unaware of the pair of legs trailing after her. The moment she was out of the common room, she began to break down.

"What if it was my Dad?" She let her tears run loose, turning to Padma who held her close. "He's the only werewolf around here,"

"Not necessarily," Padma said sweetly, squeezing her tight. "They move around, don't they? The packs? And it's not unlikely for more than one werewolf to be around this area is it?"

Liv's heart was pounding hard in her chest as if it were trying to escape. "I should go see him. I want you to stay,"

"Of course," Padma whispered, nodding slightly, leaving Liv to herself.

Liv found herself sniffing all the way down to the bottom floor of Hogwarts, trying her hardest to choke back any tears. It was silly for her to be upset, anyway, she wasn't the werewolf. She wasn't the monster.

The light movement Liv heard when she entered her Fathers room was a good sign, but she still pushed the bathroom door open with careful anticipation, making sure to conceal any evidence of her tears before she did so.

The sight was what she'd been dreading. Remus, covered in blood – no – dripping in blood, struggling to simply clean a gash on his arm. It was sad to see the smartest, strongest man Liv knew unable to do the tasks that of a two year old could. She hadn't seen him so beat up after a moon since they'd been at home, since before he'd began to take his special potion at Hogwarts.

"What? – Why? Wh–" Liv still managed to stumble over her words despite practicing what she was going to say during her walk there. "What happened?" She finally blurted out.

"I'm not sure," Remus laughed lightly, not looking up from what he was doing. "I must've done this by accident, damn it,"

Remus dropped the bandage he was trying to wrap his arm in, unsurprising considering he was holding about five things in one hand. Liv lunged forward to pick it up. "Let me help,"

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Where stories live. Discover now