Our Love will keep us Going

Start from the beginning

"What should be like what?"

"You coming to me, hiding in me, everytime something about me bothers you. Not the other way around."

She came out of the warm splendour of his neck, facing him, "What happened to you? Not like I am hating this, fuck hate, I am loving this, but what happened?"

"May be, I watched too many videos on youtube, while you were away."


They once again fell into a comfortable silence.

"Why don't you believe in birthdays, anniversaries?"

"Because, may be I was brought up this way. I never got time for these things. I was way too busy to study and get good grades, and then running at dining hall on time to have enough food. Besides, we are living together forever, what's the need of all these? We grab onto those things, which we know we are gonna lose someday. I am, definitely not gonna let you go. So, no question about that, why celebrate? Plus, when we got married, it meant nothing. We have those things, like celebration for a day, so they aren't lost forever, atleast once a year we remember them to keep them alive in our memory."

She heaved a sigh, "I completely respect your views. But for me, celebrating these means, cherishing them once a year. It's more like being grateful for what we are going through. From birth, we are crossing too many hurdles, we are achieving different things. A birthday means, we have kept on the struggle. Once the struggle to live a life is finished, we too are dead, isn't it? In case of an anniversary, we are not only celebrating the years, but we are also celebrating the struggles, the wars we fought, just to support each other, to be with each other.

I know our marriage meant nothing to you at that time, but I am damn sure, it means something to you now. Or you won't be here lecturing about what should I do or not. So, it means something now. I enjoy that. I just want to celebrate that. I have loved you from the day, you looked at me with the gaze, 'I won't let you in,but save me' gaze."

Ranvijay looked at her bewildered, "You know way too much. Crazy woman."

"So what's your say now?"

"That my views can't be changed this fast. But, I can celebrate them for your happiness."

"That is all I want."

"Umm, Niharika.."


"Please, get up from me now, you have become really heavy."

Niharika quickly left the hug, and got up from his lap. She slapped his bicep, saying, "Just when I thought, you are getting nice, you had to show your true colour."

"Please order some tea or something, I am famished."

"Help yourself!"

"How rude! I travelled so many miles, without a wink of sleep, just to come and see you, and this is the behaviour I get? Don't you have some compassion or what!"

"Okay, okay. I am ordering. God!"

Niharika called for room service, when Ranvijay plopped back on the bed, smirking.

"Smirk, some more and I will scratch your handsome face red!"

"So, you think I am handsome!"

Once again, Niharika was stunned. The audacity of this man. She tried to divert the topic.

"Since, you are already here,
let's go some where for sightseeing.
I have heard there are beautiful palaces."

"Why? You have your prince charming, and a palace too, that you left and come here with a Rudolf nose!"

She slammed a pillow on him.
"By the way, you are wrong. I don't have a prince charming!"

This made Ranvijay scrunch his eyebrows. He sat up and looked at Niharika with a very much pissed reaction.

"I have my King. That too, the best one of them all."
She proudly stated, her arms crossed in front of her chest and her body leaning on one foot.

It took a few minutes for Ranvijay to have the words sink in. When it did, a charming smile erupted in his face, he stood up from the bed, and picked up Niharika by her waist, twirling her once.

"You cheeky monster! Now, I will make sure to suck all your cheekiness out of you!"

Both of them giggling, when Ranvijay threw her on the bed and hovered above her, pecking all over her face. Niharika's glowing toothy smile burst into full blown laughter when Ranvijay relentlessly tickled her, sneaking his hand inside her tee shirt.

"Please st... hahaha..ahahaha... stop... please...hahaha"

"Why? Flirt some more naa!"

The whole room was filled with their laughter.

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