Romantic Ranvijay

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"Ranvijay, Please naaa! You promised!" whined Niharika.
"Niharika try to understand. The deal is really really really important for my company and the client will be here for only a month. I can't leave right at this moment," quipped Ranvijay.

"Can't you manage something?" countered Niharika.
Ranvijay sighed and stoop up in front of her and held her hands, "I really can't promise anything, I myself don't know how long will it take."

Niharika aggressively pulled her hands out and huffed, "I hate you!"

Before Ranvijay says anything, she moved out of the room and being helpless Ranvijay only sighed.

So the ruckus was about Ranvijay promising a holiday to Niharika and then when Niharika wanted it, he couldn't take a leave because of an important deal. Niharika was mad about it and refrained from talking to him the whole day.

The breakfast was all silent, even Ranvijay didn't get his good bye hug too.

"If I lose any deal today or do something stupid, the blame is on you," he texted her sulking in the office.
"You are already stupid," she replied sassily.

The day went on. Both of them busy in their works.

At night

Ranvijay rang the bell returning home, long gone was his habit of using his keys. He likes to wait at the door for his wife, who would open the door and smile at him like he was all she needed right at that time.

Niharika opened the door with a sullen face and went back to kitchen with out a word immediately after unlocking the door.

"Okay, so she is still angry. Time for Plan B," thought Ranvijay.

He carefully opened his bad fishing out the packet of chicken and cheese nuggets on his way home.
He tried to say as joyful as he can, "Niharika, look what I got today!"
No response...
So he went to her, and showed her the packet. She stopped what she was doing, and took the packet from his hand and put that in the refrigerator and resumed to chop vegetables.
Okay. So, Plan B flopped. "Niharika, I also bought ice cream, see." She again ignored him, simply putting it the refrigerator.

One by one, all his snack-bribes failed to do their job. Each and every cute arrow of him, got blocked by the angry shield of Niharika.

Pouting to himself, he back-hugged her tightly nuzzling his nose in her neck. Although, Niharika struggled a lot to break through his grip, he held her tightly.

Having no resort, she gave in sighing. Ranvijay continued nuzzling and mumbled countless sorry to her. "Talk to me na! I promise to make it up."

"Don't, you always break them!" Sure she was over reacting. But, she has had enough of getting bypassed by her husband. She tries to be understanding but she also do has her limits and expectations. Everytime she wants to go out with him, he will give an excuse. She also wanted to have some time from him.

On the other hand, Ranvijay's patience was also thinning. He never really did so many things before. His priority was his work.

So, when Niharika broke free from his hug, he was irritated. "Okay. Stay like that. Do whatever you want. If you want to go so badly then why don't you go on yourself or invite whomever you want! I can't jeopardize my company for your silly anger."

This added to her anger more. "Yes, you are right! I can invite anybody to come along with me. It was just stupid of me to expect my husband to spend some time with me. It was YOU, with whom I wanted to go out. But, thanks. For proving me, I will always come second in your life. Heck, I don't think I even have place in your priority list!" Niharika screamed.

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