Flashes of the past..

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Wilbur was on a walk to Las Nevadas to once again bug his good friend Quackity. He had the slight feeling he was being watched, he assumed it was from Ranboo. Ranboo tends to watch him when he leaves making sure he's safe. He actually learned that from Wilbur. He used to do that when fundy would leave the house. Wilbur smiled at the memory of watching his little champion growing up, deciding not to think of the fact that his son hates him now. He walked to Las Nevadas stopping for a moment before looking around. He still felt like he was being watched when he turned back he jumped in surprise being he turned and big Q was right in front of him looking pissed like normal.

"Wilbur." Quacktiy said, trying to seem calm. "Yes, quackity???" Wilbur said with a small laugh he loved seeing Quackity be pissed off. "Why are you here?" Quackity crossed his arms well looking up at the other male. "I just came to hang out," Wilbur said, looking at the other. "Well, first off we aren't hanging out second off since your here do me a favor and take your wife with you, because she's here and isn't fucking dead." quackity said with a serious expression. Wilburs shoulder dropped except he was relaxed. He looked scared, "you're joking. She- she's not here. If your joking this isn't fucking funny Quackity.." Wilbur said well, stepping back a bit. Quackity raised an eyebrow

"why would I be joking? Wilbur? '' Quackity was slightly confused, Wilbur looked freaked out, and was looking around as if he was watching for something to happen. "I- I need to go. Just- just keep her away from fundy- please- '' he said well starting to quickly walk away. Quackity was confused. But unfortunately for Wilbur, Sally saw him at the gate and ran to the gate to see her dear ex-husband. "Wilbur!'' Sally said, seeming happy. Wilbur stopped dead in his tracks trying not to cry. I mean if you were in his situation you'd probably wanna cry as well. He stood there silently.

"Well are you gonna speak to me and come give me a hug or are you just gonna stand there?" Sally asked, seeming upset, Wilbur instantly turned around "no i-i'm not gonna give you a hug and I don't really wanna talk to you," Wilbur said, trying to remain composed. Quackity didn't know what to say he just stood there to watch. Sally did not seem happy with that response "growing bold huh Wilbur? It's only been a year. Do I really need to show you what happens when you wanna talk back again?" Wilbur stood there not saying anything; his expression was just one of fear remembering what happened.

By seeing and hearing that quackity looked at Sally and told her to leave, go away from lasnavadas and bother someone else. Once she walked away he rushed over to Wilbur who now had tears following down his face. He was on the ground as if he was trying to make himself as small as possible. It hurt quackity to see it because this is what he used to do when Schlatt would drink and well, get violent. He knelt down to try and help the other only to have his hand pushed back. "Welp that didn't work," he thought to himself. Instead of approaching slowly, he approached more quickly this time. He pulled Wilbur into a hug which Wilbur tried to get out of but failed miserably.

Quackity held Wilbur in the hug and rubbed his back. Eventually, Wilbur stopped struggling and just laid his head on quackitys shoulder his arms wrapping around quackitys back and holding on tightly, he was still quite freaked out. One of quackitys hands moved to Wilbur's hair and petted it. The sun was setting. "Wil, we should go inside it's getting late, you can just stay the night in my house Okay?" quackity said softly Wilbur didn't give a verbal response not trusting his voice to not break instead he just nodded and slowly let go of quackity shirt. Quackity got up putting his out to help Wilbur up. Wilbur got up and went to quackitys. God, what was he gonna tell fundy in the morning? Theyll figure that out later. Wilbur and w]quackity got to the house and quackity found something for Wilbur to change into and found something for himself, to tell the truth, quackity had been staying here very often he hardly sleeps and when he does he ends up asleep in his office.

Wilbur had left the bathroom after changing and went and sat on quackitys couch pulling his legs up to his chest and just sitting there. Quackity exited his room after changing and went to sit with Wilbur. "How are you feeling Wil?" quackity asked well looking at the other "a bit better.." Wilbur said quietly. "Is there anything I can get that would help you?" quackity said softly. "Just some water maybe a- a blanket if it's not too much to ask." Wilbur said well looking at quackity a little bit.quackity smiled "of course" and he got up to go grab the water and a blanket. Wilbur was still a bit shaken up but knowing he was in a house with another person he felt a bit safer.

Quackity came back and gave both to Wilbur. Wilbur wrapped himself up well more of made it look like he had burrowed into the blanket. Quackity sat next to Wilbur and patted his lap or shoulder offering Wilbur something other than the side of the couch, which Wilbur took the offer and laid his head on quackitys lap. But not so long after they decided to move around. Quackity now laying on the couch with Wilbur lying on his chest. They were pretty damn comfy. It was not long after that both males were getting tired and falling asleep. And they did. The next morning, oh boy that was gonna be hectic.

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