RS: Go change, I'll see you at the kitchen.

AH: Can you make me another smoothie?

RS: Anything in your head?

AH: No.

Robert then go to his office and I change to my uniform. Then I go to the kitchen, Robert was already there cutting bananas for smoothies. Other's are already there eating breakfast.


MB: Hey, Herrera, you want coffee?

The moment Maya pouring the coffee to the cup, I feel nause. The aroma of the coffee makes me want to throw up. I cover my mouth and nose with my hand. But I only manage to take a few steps form Maya then I throw up.

MB: Oh my god! Herrera, are you okey?

I can't answer, the only think I could do are pointing to the coffee and wave. Robert quickly rub my back.

RS: Put the coffee away. It's okey Andy, let everything go, we'll clean it up later.

He continue rub my back untill I stand straight and hug my shoulder.

AH: That coffee makes me nause.

Without noticing, I cry. Robert wipe my tears, he about to say something but Vic cut it out.

VH: Girl, you crying over coffee?!


They are all shock because I just yell.

RS: Okey Andrea, calm down.

Robert make it worst. Everytime he did called me that I just want to take him to the bed and make up. I hold my fist, take a deep breath and moving my shoulder. Robert then realise that he make a mistake, he move his hand. I close my eyes and let go a very heavy breath.

AH: Either you walk away now or you will regret it, because seriously Robert, Im about to take you with me. But now we are at work.

RS: I...

AH: I said now

RS: But your...


The whole team look at us, he then walk away from the kitchen and I quickly go to the rooftop.

JG: I will never go near to pregnent Herrera. She's like a hungry monster. Im glad that she rejected me.

I didn't realize that Sullivan still there and he heard me.

RS: She what? You propose her before?

BW: Here comes trouble

MB: Yeah, twice.

VH: She didn't told you? Its a story you should know

TM&DM: And its not your story to tell

Sullivan then stairs at Jack. Jack's face is very terrified.

RS: We'll talk about it on party tomorrow. Today I will assign your duty.

Just then Andy come back.

AH: Im sorry for yelling it just that this hormones make me having mood swings ever since I woke up.

TM: You good now?

AH: Yeah. Better.

I look at Robert and smile at him, but he just give his Captain Fire Grinch face.

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