16. A Visit from the Dead

Start from the beginning

She follows the waiter as he dances between tables and chairs that are sitting in the way. At this point, she expects to see a bulgy guy with a bread-loaf head -though he might look better than that- until the waiter stops at the corner end of the terrace.

A man is sitting in his white shirt and blue jeans, facing the other way around. Cobie can only see his back but the familiarity of his posture and his hair color strikes in.

"Here is your table, Miss."

It's when the guy snaps his head and looks up.

Cobie's breath hitches in her throat. "Peter."

The blankness inside Cobie's head swallows the murmur of people chattering and the clinking cutlery echoing across the cafe terrace. She can't think, she can't speak, and she can barely breathe. Are her eyes playing tricks on her? For years, she's been running from her past, leaving the dark part of her life, getting the toxicity out of her system. Now the very man who caused all of the disasters is standing before her, towering over her, and looking somehow ecstatic with the unexpected turn. What kind of joke is this?

"Koko..." The next thing she knows, Peter is already standing next to her, offering to support her, but she pushes his hands off her shoulder. "Are you...alright?"

"Yeah. I'm just...how?" she says as she staggers away. "Did you know all along it was me?"

"Hell, no! I swear I didn't know it was you." Peter rubs his dark hair nervously, glancing around the terrace. "I mean, you have the picture of that blonde on."

"I told you a few days ago it wasn't me."

"Fair." Peter nods while awkwardly shifting on her legs. "You look great. Life must have treated you well. Can we maybe sit down first? I mean, people are kinda" -he glances around again-"watching now."

For a second, she wants to turn around and head to the exit, escaping the very person who's been haunting her for almost a decade. He should be dead by now, or at least he's dead to her. How is he looking so much alive now?

"Would you like to have a drink first?" The waiter's voice breaks her train of thoughts, also her plan to escape.

"Uh, I-I will have water, please," she mutters before shifting her gaze back to Peter.

Peter hasn't changed much. He still has his well-built body that used to make him look outstanding. Undoubtedly, he must be still doing his routine given it's his weapon to charm girls. His dark brown hair, grayish-blue eyes, and strong jawlines portray how good life must have been for him at some point, because it doesn't look like it anymore. His dull eyes and hesitant countenance say enough.

The cool kid that felt so important to her, so intimidating, and held the power to crush her willingness to exist is now just a mere man who struggles to make a life for himself. The daunting smirk that was always stuck on his lips has now become an uncertain smile. He's not as overbearing as she remembers him. Where has that boy who thought he was the shit gone? Where has that jerk who believed he was going to rule the world disappeared to?

For all good reasons, Cobie feels the surge of pleasure knowing that this asshole is not doing better than she is.

"Would you sit down?" Peter asks, rubbing the back of his neck.

Cobie nods before scooting over to the seat in front of Peter's. "You're faking your age. You said you were twenty-four," she says while eyeing him sitting back to his spot.

Peter shrugs. "I know. I find twenty-four is just the sweet spot for a dating site. Easier to find girls."

"Did it work then?"

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