"What about Y/N? Did you see her?" I grip Phil's shoulders instinctively. 

Before he can speak, we hear a strange whistling and somebody shouting.


We dive to the ground as the bomb hits. 

The impact makes the ground quiver as if this were an earthquake. I notice the wall starting to crumble on the edges. 

"MOVE!" I shout. Phil and I drag Techno's body off the wall and make a break for it. We collapse on the ground a few metres away just as the wall crumbles completely. 

The ground doesn't stop shaking. It should be over by now. My eyes widen when I think of a possible answer. Could Tubbo's bomb have been so big it makes the earth here rattle? The city is hundreds of miles away, that can't be possible... Can it?

We wait for the shaking to stop. Surrounded by buildings that have toppled to the ground I can only hope that no one got trapped in the rubble. 

Where is Y/N? Did she make it out? I can't think of anything else. Slowly, the shaking stops and people start getting up. 

I dig in my pocket for an ender pearl and throw it as hard as I can towards L'Manburg. 

~~~~ Y/N's P.O.V ~~~~

I'm surrounded by nothing but darkness although I feel like my eyes are open. I try to blink them but I'm met with burning as ash sticks to my eyeballs. My head aches from the ringing in my ears. It's like there's no other sound in the world. 

Why aren't I dead? A nuke should have killed me. 

I lift my hand to wipe the shit out of my eye, startling when I feel water instead of air. I fumble about like a newborn kitten trying to feel my way around. 

A strange draft wafts under my nose and I'm hit by overwhelming nausea. I sway dizzily and bash my head on something hard. I can't hear the water splash as I try to yank my way out. All I can smell is sulfur, concrete and burning. Horrible, incessant burning. The kind of burning that you want to say is burning flesh but it smells so much more sickening. 

I blindly tap at the rock around me. Rubble. I'm trapped under rubble. A nuke would have disintegrated everything within its closest radius. 

Schlatt didn't launch a nuke. I feel myself tremble as the realisation hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm alive, and there's no nuke. 

My stomach drags on the ground as I pull myself up. I touch my leg and feel some strange slimy texture. I touch it again and bring it to my nose. Blood. Blood and pus. My gag reflex kicks in and I force myself to hold it together. I start coughing when I breathe in the dusty air. 

The water was definitely infested with all kinds of bacteria and rubble but I needed to be able to see. I splash it onto my face, gaging each time I come in contact with the stuff. It gets in my hair and sticks it to my face. An image of a wither rose pops into my mind. I wish I could hear the water so I knew when it was going to hit my face. But still, all I hear is ringing. Painful ringing that made my migraine sing louder than a canary. 

I gasp in the dank air and blink profusely. Eventually, my eyes start to tear and push the gunk out of my eyeballs. I wait for my vision to return. 

The first thing I see is the small slit of light coming through the concrete above me. I focus on it gaping like a goldfish as I start coming to. The fuzzy world comes into focus and I notice how the blue sky was gone and had been replaced by orange and pink clouds. 

Forget-Me-Not (dreamxreader)Where stories live. Discover now