The animal had head butted him again, the sheer strength had sent Seokjung toppling into thorny bushes. They tore through his clothing, scratching his face. He yelled out in agony, beginning to loose his consciousness. Mustering his final bust of strength, he pulled himself out, hands and forehead bleeding and collapsed. 

He closed his eyes and waited for the final blow. But it never came. 

Seokjung opened his eyes and before him stood a man, knife drawn defending him from the animal. Two hands caught hold each of his arms and began to drag him  behind. He could make out the man switching the dagger from one hand to the other as the boar huffed at him. 

It attacked him, using its strong hind legs to push itself off the ground, aiming at the man's stomach, but he dodged it just in time, stabbing it instead. The dagger breached the thick layer of skin, creating a wound.  

The animal howled before turning and charging towards the alpha. Swiftly he moved towards right and stabbed it in the neck, the animal collapsing onto the ground. It lay on the ground, whimpering a little. In a minute the rising of the chest stopped and the alpha slowly approached to make sure that it really was dead, stabbing it once more. 

After confirming he turned towards the group where Taehyung and Hoseok had managed to get the wounded Seokjung onto his horse.

Silence prevailed for a good minute or so.

And then an agitated Namjoon spoke, "Alright so who thought this was a good idea?"

Seokjin heard his mother scream. 

He shot up from his bed and ran towards the entrance worried only to gasp at the sight he saw. Minho and Namjoon were carrying a heavily wounded Seokjung. His head was bandaged, a busted lip and it looked like he had broken his leg or something. He ran towards him, him and Jungkook taking over their place to assist their brother. 

His eyes momentarily met Namjoon's, but he averted his gaze away not only because his brother was around but also because of the effect they still had on him. The alpha was expressionless like he had been for the past few days. 

Securing his arm around Seokjung's waist to help him balance, he and Jungkook began to lead him inside. A few small steps when suddenly Seokjung turned towards Namjoon. His heart almost leapt out of his chest, and he panicking looked at Jungkook who nodded lightly asking him to calm down. The next thing that left his brother's mouth surprised him.

"Thank you", Seokjung muttered lowly. Had Namjoon not be there today, he would have sustained serious injuries or probably might have been dead too. He was grateful. Seokjin moved his confused gaze from him to Namjoon.  

The knight merely nodded in response, his eyes falling onto Seokjin for a second before turning around and walking away. He gazed at his brother, who was watching the alpha leave, worry evident in his eyes. He gently squeezed his shoulder, alerting him to which Seokjin obediently turned around and helped him inside the house. 

After dinner Seokjin sat applying ointment to his injuries and patching them up again. He didn't talk much, focusing on the task at hand and mainly because Minho told them what had taken place in the woods that afternoon. 

"Be more careful from on please", his brother muttered timidly with a pout, staring at him with puppy eyes. Seokjung smiled despite the slight pain he felt above the eye where the medicine had been applied.

"You were fortunate that Jimin and his father were available at that time and not gone for their daily round or else we don't know what would have happened. Don't act rashly again hyung. Eomma was so scared" Seokjin said to him. 

Seokjung winced as the medicine was applied on the cut on his hand. "I'm sorry.... I was careless. I've never hunted a boar and got carried away by Minho's words. I'm sorry for worrying you all" he apologized. 

"Why do you still talk to that Minho?! I've told you before hyung he's not a nice person. I'm sure he must have done it deliberately. Why don't you listen to what I tell you hyung?" he whined. "Yah yah I get it. I'm sorry okay? I won't do it again. Promise" he uttered, scoffing when Seokjin folded his hands and nodded, his cheeks puffing out cutely.

Seokjin helped him lay down, blowing out the bedside candle and covering is brother with a blanket. Just as he was about to leave the room his brother called out to him. "Hmm?"

"I'm sorry". 

"It's okay hyung"

"It's not about that"


Seokjung signed and called Seokjin closer. When he sat beside him, he too his brothers hand in his and began "I'm sorry for being so hard on you for the past few days. I just was so shocked about the revelation that I acted without thinking about your feelings. It must have been difficult for you to handle all of the pressure".

The omega smiled softly, "It's alright hyung. You were worried about my wellbeing. I shouldn't have hidden all of this from you in the first place but I was scared to see your reaction".

"And I reacted just the way you thought I would, didn't I?" Seokjin giggled at that, making him smiled. "Well you did react like that but I don't blame you hyung. You were only looking out for me". "Thank god. I thought you would think of me as an evil monster or something". "You know I would never think of you like that hyung" he whispered. Seokjung smiled endearingly at him.

"One more thing...... I approve of that alpha". "Really?" Seokjin asked him surprised. He clearly wasn't expecting it. "Yes. He saved my life today and I have been keeping an eye on him for a while. He really seems the one you have been waiting for. I do have doubts about him yet but I'm allowing you to let him into your life again. He genuinely cares about you. You can go meet him tomorrow. Just be cautious. Eomma and Appa must not know about this. At least not yet, we can let them know when the time comes."

"Okay hyung. But eomma knows about it and she's okay with it". "She did!?". "Yes. It's just Appa who doesn't know about it". "Jungkook knows it too?"

Seokjin bit the inside of his cheek, mentally face palming. "Yes hyung. I told him sometime ago". "Hmm." 

"Thank you hyung" Seokjin beamed at him, eyes shining. "And I don't want any funny business going on between you just yet okay?". "Of course no hyung what are you saying!", Seokjin gasped, cheeks instantly blooming red. "Don't think about it . Don't think about it. DON'T THINK ABOUT IT." 

"Good night hyung!"

"Good night Seokjinnie". Seokjung laughed when he heard the small excited squeal out the door and the tapping of feet as they ran away from his room. "Probably on his way to tell Jungkook about it." 

"That alpha really did prove himself huh?"

Ahhhh... feels nice to write after a looonng break! How are you guys? 

Lemme know what you think in the comment and see you in the next chapter!!   Do vote and share :)

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