6: His vision

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"I love my family

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"I love my family.."

The Madrigals posed for a photo. Showing and displaying their abilities, or simply doing elegant and silly postures. Bianca stood just around the corner, smiling at her family and looking for her sister Mirabel.

"Where is she, why didn't she join them?" she groaned, looking from left to right with a blank face and a chilly atmosphere, causing the children and adults to avoid her. She has the appearance of a wandering ghost, with snow drizzling behind her as she walks.

Bianca isn't updated about what's actually occurring outside recently. She was unaware of her sister's engagement or the growing schism between Isa and Mira. She came to a halt and raised her left brow as she heard noises.

"Mira?" Bianca inquired, her voice echoing around the corner. Fast footsteps and the sound of breaking walls approach her. Bianca rushes to the sound, her breathing quickening. She noticed her sister attempting to reach her with a frightened and distraught utterance.

"-Bianca! The house is in danger! I-I saw the wall break up and-Casita is-" her voice trembled as she heavily breathed, she tried to tackle her sister but Bianca backed away. The floor is covered in massive snowflakes saying she might release a huge amount of power.

"H-Hold on Mira...What're you saying?" Mirabel clasped her hands over her head and stared into her sister's sapphire blue eyes.

"Casita...is in trouble; the walls are cracking, and the lighting of the doors, mostly Luisa's, is flickering." Bianca's eyes bulge, her mouth steadily agape, and she stares at the surface, catching a glimpse of her sister's hand.

"What happened to your hand?"

"-Let's not worry about it, for now, let's tell Abuela!" Mirabel runs ahead of you, and as you follow her, you notice your door slightly freezing, and a spiky crystal grows to make you shiver in coldness. As the upbeat music and happy chatters reach both of your ears, you both reach the crowd. Regrettably, you two must intervene.

"The house is in danger!" Mirabel started shouting, and the music came to a halt.

Everyone turned to look at them both, while Bianca hid behind her younger sister's back. "The house is in danger! The tiles were falling, there were cracks everywhere, and the candle almost went out." Indistinct murmurs can be heard throughout the house. People are becoming concerned, and Abuela is among them.

"Prove it to me."



Everyone looked around; there were no cracks or other signs of damage. You, too, were taken aback, and your brow furrowed in anticipation. You saw it with your own eyes as well: the doors were running out of light, and your door was frozen. But it's all gone in the blink of an eye now.

"No, that's...The cracks were there. They were everywhere. The house was in trouble, the candle was..." Mirabel tried to explain, her voice raspy. As people began to doubt her, there was a slight hesitation in her voice. Bianca, her older sister, is the only witness!

"Bianca, she saw it too! It's true right, sis?" The crowd began to look at oneself and it was uncomfortable and suffocating. Her heart began to beat three times faster and her breath became more rapid.

She's hesitant because you don't want to ruin Antonio's day. But the two are telling the truth, and danger is calling. She clutches your dress and nods, her brow furrowed.

"I saw it as well, Abuela...Mira is telling the truth-"

"That's enough."Abuela turned and looked at the girl to stop, attempting to make her bow her head. "There's nothing wrong with La Casa Madrigal; the magic is strong, and so are the drinks." The audience laughs as everyone begins to cheer up. Only Mirabel and Bianca have a frown on their faces. Bianca followed, making a concerned face at Mirabel.

"Music, please! A Bailar! A Bailar!"

'My nightmares have become much more legitimate...'

She takes a quick look around before fleeing.

"Tìo! Can you please predict my future too as you did with Isa and Luis?" A young girl with white hair and blue sapphire eyes jumped up and down as she gripped at her tìo's clothing who was slowly walking wanting not to get caught.

The older man sweated nervously, as he pats his niece's head. He knew he can't get away with this frosty child. He saw her from the corners watching as her sister's received a vision from him.

"Ah.Bianca.." He hesitated at first, overthinking about his niece being depressed the time he'll give her a vision. He's scared that his only niece who's close to him will disappear too.

However, after successfully performing visions for Isabella and Luisa, he feels more efficient in handling a vision for his new favorite niece as well.

"Pretty please! Please! Please!" The little girl who was jumping in excitement stopped and stared at her tìo with a tearful look and a pout.

He can never resist adorableness from anyone, - particularly his niece, who is open to him.

"All right, but promise me-"

"Don't worry tìo."Bianca pulls his clothing making him squat. She pats both of his shoulders and stares at him with a solemn expression, causing him to swallow his saliva, unsure what to do.

"This kid isn't moronic, and I understand that even if my vision isn't likable, it wasn't your fault; fate has simply been sealed, and those blaming you are stupid." Bianca grinned with raised eyebrows, standing tall as if speaking motivational words.

Bruno is taken aback. His niece's words pierced his heart. Such wise words for her age, and she's the first to have said them.

He didn't notice his lip quivering and dropped his body, causing the child to tilt her head. "Thank you, Bianca," he sniffs, his puppy eyes fixed on the girl.

The girl just laughs and patted her tìo's back

"His vision is coming true.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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