Chapter 12

163 7 0

This includes sexual


I sat there on my desk in the dack and just thought about how fun it is to make her flustered, and it's hot too. I look up and see that all of them are working and I continue on with my grading. as i am grading i notice someone going to the pencil sharpener and i look up to see fay i watch her walk there and she looks at me and smiles.  I smile back and I look ahead to see if anyone was paying attention but everyone was working. She goes back to her desk and sits down. I focus back on my grading. A couple minutes later I am almost done with grading my classes work, then someone comes up to my desk and puts their computer on top of it. I look up and see fay. 

fay: im sorry but i need help 

me: okay, what the problem 

she lends down and put her hand on my expose leg and she move her hand up my leg until she reaches my thigh making it hard to concrete, when she stops her hand is cold but soft and she driving me crazy but i look at her and she pointing at the screen and smirking she knows what she doing, after she done talking she looks at me 

fay: is that what you do 

me: yeah 

fay: thank you 

me: no need to thank me 

she get up making her hand leave my high making me miss her touch, i sit up and cross my leg on another and tries to finish the rest of my grading, after a few minutes the bell rings and i get up and walk to the door

me: bye guys see you tomorrow

they all smile at me and then leave my classroom and then everyone is almost out of my class they're just fay mlmand luck and i hope luck leave soon

me: luck you need to get to class your gonna be late 

luck: sorry i was waiting for fay 

fay: its okay i don't want you to be late 

luck: okay, i'll talk to you later than 

fay: okay 

he smiles at her then smiles at me as he walks right past me i wait as he's more down then i close the door and lock it i turn my attention dack at fay who is looking at me with a smirk 

fay: someone impatience

me: you play a dirty game, miss moon 

fay: well you do too marlow 

i shot up and smirk and i walk over to her and go in front of her and lend dack on a desk, and just look at her and bite my lower lip and said to her 

me: i told you not to call me that unless you want to get punish 

fay: okay im sorry... marlow 

i look at her and she just smirks at me she puts out her hands and grab my waist pulling me closer to her and as she does that i look into her eyes 

me: what do you think your doing miss moon 

fay : oh sorry, you don't like this 

she says playfully and then turns me around and pushes me closer to the desk behind me and comes up to my ear and says to me 

fay: do you like this 

i look at her and just smile at her and i can't help but bite my lower lip, i look at her and right know i just want to kiss her lips and take her to the back couch man she making me want her really bad, i don't even know if she knows what she doing to me, she puts her hand on my face and rubs it gently 

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