Rayna's Blast From The Past pt.2

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I watched Rayna run off into the distance and knew that someone had to find her. I turned around and ran down the hall to my class with Danny on my heels. Right after school, we would go and look for Rayna. But right now, if I was late to class, I'd be grounded before I could tell anyone that Rayna ran off.

Once the bell rang, I packed everything into my bag and ran to find the rest of the club. I found them waiting for me and Danny at the front of the school. The smiles on their faces turned to confusion and worry when they saw Danny and I running up to them without Rayna.

"Where's..." Kristy started but I cut her off.

"Rayna ran into Kelsey and Lily and found out they are dating. Stuff was said and Rayna ran off."

"Where did she go?" Stacey asked, worried.

"I don't know." I sighed. "She ran that way," I pointed in the direction I had seen her go, "But she could be anywhere by now."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Stacey asked in panic, "Let's go find her!"

We all ran off to find Rayna before something bad happened.


Sitting with my back against the tree trunk, I looked at the knife in front of me. What had I been thinking? How could anyone want to be my friend? They were probably all sympathy friends. Well, except for Kristy. She was my friend because she had to. Stupid blood rule.

I started twirling the knife between my fingers as I kept thinking.

Stacey didn't like me. She just felt bad for me. Why did they trust me to join that stupid club? Why did the parents trust me to watch their kids? Why did I try to do anything anymore?


I felt a piercing pain in my right index finger and looking down, I realized that the knife had broken the skin. The one problem with what just happened, aside from me now having a cut on my finger, was that the pain felt nice.  I had promised myself that I would never go back to cutting. I had used it as a way to escape my life when I lived back in Germany.

Before I knew it, I felt the cold blade press against my forearm. I added pressure and felt blood trickle down my arm. Why did I try anymore? Why didn't I just end it? Nobody would miss me.

As I thought about simply ending everything, I heard a voice. The panic in that voice was indescribable. "Rayna! RAYNA! Where are you?" It was Stacey.


I hurriedly threw a coat over me to hide my arm from her as Stacey came into view. "Rayna!" She cried in relief. Tear tracks were set on her face and fresh tears began to make their way down her cheeks.

She made her way towards me and threw her arms around me. "Oh, my God, Rayna. I was so worried. Please don't ever do that again. What happened?"

I shifted away from her, not wanting her fake sympathy. Stacey looked hurt and confused as she stared at me. Her eyes went from the knife in my hand to the blood that had soaked its way through my sleeve. She acted so fast that I didn't have a chance to react. She grabbed my wrist with surprising strength and rolled my sleeve up to see the fresh cut.

"Rayna?" Stacey gasped as more tears exited her eyes.

I jerked my arm out of her grasp. "Stop it, Stacey. You can stop acting now."

"Acting? What are you talking about?" Stacey asked.

"Kelsey was right. I'm a complete nobody! I'm worthless! I'm nothing! And you continuing to pretend to care about me isn't helping!" I exclaimed. I glanced down at the knife in my hand and took a deep breath. But before I could act on any impulse, Stacey snatched the knife out of my hand. "Hey!"

"You are not allowed near any sharp objects for a while." She told me in her stern voice.

"Why not?" I asked.

"'Why not'? 'Why not'? Rayna, you just cut yourself and almost killed yourself for the love of God! You mean everything to me! I cannot lose you!" Stacey told me, eyes swimming with unshed tears. When I didn't say anything, Stacey continued, "Rayna, why are you letting Kelsey bother you this much? When have I, Claudia, Kristy, or Mary Anne ever done or said anything that told you that we don't care about you?"

"You didn't need to." I muttered.

"Rayna, look at me." Stacey said. When I didn't, she grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. "Rayna, you mean so much to me. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. I nearly had a heart attack when I heard that you ran off! From the moment that I laid eyes on you, I knew there was something special about you, and I was right. You are such a loving, kind, and sweet girl. I fell for you the moment you opened your mouth." Stacey was crying again and I felt my eyes prickle, but I forced myself to not cry.

"You're just saying that." I looked at the ground.

There was silence for a few seconds before Stacey said in a small voice, "Why would I just say that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you feel bad for me?" I childishly snapped.

"If I did feel bad for you, would I kiss you for no reason?" Stacey asked out of the blue.

"What?" I turned to look at Stacey, confused, and suddenly understood what she meant when she crashed her lips onto mine. I instantly kissed back as fireworks erupted in my stomach.

Stacey pulled back and looked into my eyes. "Rayna, I love you. I have ever since I saw you. Don't you ever think that I don't care about you, because I do. I care about you more than you could ever know."

I felt a smile begin to pull at the corners of my mouth as I stood up with Stacey. I threw my arms around her and Stacey buried her head into my shoulder. I could feel her smiling against my shoulder. "I love you too." I murmured.

"Rayna! Rayna!" A voice called.

"It's always Kristy. Always!" Stacey joked then called back. "I found her!" She turned to me and covered my cut with my sleeve.

"Rayna!" Kristy threw her arms around me in relief. One by one, the rest of the girls hugged me. I noticed Claudia eyeing my arm, but I silently told her to not say anything, and she nodded understandingly.

I really did have the best friends on the planet.

Today's Get To Know You Question Is: What is your favorite show?

Hi! This is the end of Rayna's episode! I hope the plot made sense. If it didn't ask and I'll answer. Hope you like it!

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