Dawn and the Impossible Three

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Quick A/N: There's a new character in this chapter

Quick A/N: There's a new character in this chapter

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Taylor Lautner as: William Robertson


"As president, all guests should be run by me. It's in the bylaws." Kristy snapped at Mary Anne and Dawn. Still being in the hospital, I could only see Kristy's face, since she was the person that Face Timed me to see how I was doing because I couldn't have visitors for some stupid reason. 

"We have bylaws now?" Claudia chuckled.

"Yes, in the Club constitution I wrote over break. Do you ever check your email?"

"Not over break. No one does." I replied. I may still be in bed, but that was not going to stop be from poking Kristy. 

"I brought Dawn with me today because she'd a great friend and a babysitter." Mary Anne began to explain. "Things were quiet over the holidays, but now our clients are back. And with Rayna out of play, we're going to need another sitter, or else we'll get overstretched." 

"See, Kris? Everything happens for a reason." I smirked as Kristy looked down at me. "If I wasn't bed-ridden, Dawn wouldn't be in the club."

"She's not in the club!" Kristy told me.

"Yet." I said.

"Well, as the last new girl in town, I'm thrilled Dawn is here." Kristy flipped the camera so I could see what was happening. Stacey got up from the bed and walked over to Dawn. "And about those bylaws, anything about kicking jobs to member who spent way too much on holiday gifts/new riding boots?"

"I second that,"  Claudia spoke up, "I have a roll of handmade washi paper being held at Dick Blick."

"They should really change that name." I thought out loud. "And I, uh, third that? Is that right? Whatever. Anyway, what is the point of having clients if you're just going to lose them? People have lives that revolve around more than just paying babysitters."

"Oh, speaking of shopping," Mary Anne grabbed the room's attention. "I have some news. My dad is finally letting me redo my room a little bit!"

"Yes! New year, new you!" Stacey congratulated her as she came over to Kristy and asked if she could talk to me. Kristy handed over her phone. 

"Yes, Mary Anne! I only wish I could be there to help you!" I whined. 

"Nothing major. I have some babysitting money saved, so he said I could buy a couple new things." Mary Anne explained. "Some new pillows, maybe, a cool new lamp?"

"Hot. Let's browse." Claudia said in excitement.

"Okay, I'll pull up my Pinterest. I still have some boards saved from when I moved, sorted by color story." Stacey added the last part, making all the girls, except Kristy, laugh. 

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