Stacey's Emergency

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I walked into my first period class for school and saw Stacey talking to a girl with a smile. I stopped and smiled as I watched Stacey. As I watched, a boy walked past me to his seat, giving Stacey an interested look and a smile.

Last year, I would have felt an immense feeling of jealousy when a guy flirted with Stacey, but this year, I wasn't worried. Stacey had gotten much better at being loyal, so as the boy tried to get Stacey's attention, I watched in amusement as Stacey gave him attention, but the so called 'attention' came in the form of an annoyed glare.

Chuckling to myself, I walked up to Stacey and threw my right arm around her shoulder dramatically. "Ahh! If only there was a reason as to why you don't want attention from boys anymore. I wonder what that could be." I pretended to think about the reason before acting like I had a lightbulb moment. "Oh yeah! There is a reason! It's me!" I dramatically flipped my hair as Stacey giggled.

I gave her a smile before going to my seat as Stacey finished her conversation with the girl from earlier.

I sat down in my seat and Stacey sat down next to me a few seconds later as Ms. Katimski, my math teacher, began to pass back our most recent Algebra exam.

As Ms. Katimski returned my test, I heard an audible sigh come from her. Whether it was intentional or not that I heard it, I knew that I had done poorly. Moreover, my test had been returned not right side up, but UPSIDE DOWN! That's never good.

I flipped my test over to see in big red numbers: 60%. Not bad. That's a D-. So I at least passed it.

As Stacey was handed her test back, Ms. Katimski told her, "Great work, as usual. I know I shouldn't be saying this, but you're my favorite student."

I stared at Ms. Katimski in disbelief. She just said in front of all her students that she had a favorite student. I turned around in my chair to face my friend, Alexander. He goes by Alexei though because he is a mega Stranger Things fan.

This is Alexei

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This is Alexei. Only imagine him in a black leather jacket.

"What is her deal, Alexei?" I softly asked so as not to draw attention to me.

Alexei shrugged as he adjusted his black leather jacket and flipped his neon green hair out of his face to reveal dark brown eyes. He was one of the coolest guys in the grade and somehow one of the most popular people at the school, but he didn't act like it. He was as caring and compassionate as anyone could be. I still don't know how I became to be friends with the coolest guy in the school, but I was. Don't ask questions that I don't know the answers to. "She just doesn't care." He leaned forward with a slight smirk. "But why do you care? You're able to copy your girlfriends work without the worry of getting into trouble. You could copy her work in class and Ms. Katimski wouldn't bat an eye."

"Ms. Katimski wouldn't but Stacey would. She would never let me copy her work." I laughed to myself.

"Dammit. You could have given it to me." Alexei grumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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