Camp Moosehead Part II

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I went with Stacey to the infirmary where we spent the night. In the morning, Kristy came by to check on Stacey and I.

"Poison ivy!" Kristy exclaimed to the both of us.

"Mnh-mnh. Worst case I've seen in 15 years." The nurse said as she took care of Stacey. She had already taken care of me, so I sat in a chair, watching Stacey. "Did you wrestle in it or something?" 

"Or something." I mumbled. 

"Ugh, the show's tonight. I can't go on like this. I can't even see out of my left eye!" Stacey complained.

"I'll get more compresses." As the nurse left, Stacey turned around to look at me.

"How are you ok with all of this?"

"I'm not ok with being itchy as hell because of your ex best friend! I just don't see the point of whining. Whining won't make the rash go away faster." I explained.   

As the nurse walked out of the room to get more compresses, Mary Anne entered the room. When she saw us, her eyes widened and she stopped in her tracks.

"The bad, huh?" Stacey sighed.

"What are we going to do about the show?" Mary Anne panicked. 

"Really?" I scoffed. "That's what you're worried about? What about the fact that Stacey and I look like raspberries?"

Mary Anne ignored me and continued. "You look like you have leprosy! Mignonette can't have leprosy! I'd have to rewrite the whole show to make her a leper, and there's just no time! No time!"

"Just have Laine step up or something?" I rolled my eyes as I laid down on the bed Stacey and I were on. 

"Claudia is a political prisoner!" Dawn rushed into the room holding an iPad. She was on a FaceTime call with Claudia. "I'm her eyes and ears on the outside. The only way to free her is to subvert the entire system and start a revolution!"

"I'm sure there's got to be a less dramatic way to help her." I said, still laying down. 

"There isn't, Ray. But if this is going to be a long imprisonment, I might need three more bags of Cool Ranch Doritos." Claudia told the room, showing us an open chip bag.

"Eww. Why Cool Ranch?" I pulled a face.

"Oh, God, I'm so itchy!" Stacey whined as she scratch her arm.

"Stacey, no. No scratching." Claudia ordered.

I crawled towards Stacey at the same time and took her hand in mine. "Itching it wont' help it, Stace."

"Kristy, do something." Claudia continued. 

"There's only one thing to do." Kristy puffed out her chest. 

"Leave and stop being annoying?" I seriously deadpanned. 

"Quiet, Raspberry." Kristy pulled out her red hat while I pulled another face. "Call an emergency meeting of the Baby-Sitters Club."

"What for?" I asked in annoyance.

"Another one. In here, second bed." The nurse said as she brought in the last person that I wanted to see right now: Laine. I glared at her as she awkwardly took a seat on the bed.

"Laine." Mary Anne gasped. Laine looked at Stacey and I with a look I couldn't quite put. "No."

"What are you doing here?" Stacey asked Laine.

"What does it look like?" Laine retorted.

"Stop being a bitch and shut up." I snapped as I laid down again.

That Blonde Beauty <> Stacey McGillWhere stories live. Discover now