Kristy's Big Day

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"When you think of weddings, you think of flowers, champagne, grown-ups crying because they're happy, which doesn't make any sense. But, weddings are about more than all that stuff. They're about love, commitment, what happens when you join two people and their families together forever. Unless someone changes their mind, which they do all the time." Kristy said to an almost empty room. It was almost time for Liz and Watson's wedding and I was super excited...but also beyond bored. Kristy stood at the front of the room "marrying" David Michael and Karen. 

"We're all children of divorce, Kristy." Karen told Kristy, trying to move this whole thing along.

"Gee, thanks Karen." I had been in a bad mood for a few days now. All of the bad emotions were wound up into one emotion for me right now. Fear mostly though. I mean, how are you supposed to react when you find out that the two people that beat you for your whole life are now out of jail? And on top of that, coming to a wedding that you are going to be at! 

"Sorry, Rayna." Karen shuffled her feet awkwardly. 

"No, you're good. I'm sorry. Continue." 

"Okay, Rayna. Anyway...Kristy, continue. Get to the good part!" Karen's happy mood came back as suddenly as it had appeared. 

"Just do whatever she says." David Michael shrugged.

"Prepared for marriage already. Ok." Kristy continued her wedding speech. "Do you, Karen Amaryllis Brewer, take David Michael Thomas to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Wait, what's his middle name?" Karen asked, confused.

"Michael." Kristy said as if it was as obvious as what color the sky is. "David Michael  Thomas."

"So, three first names. Weird, but I do." Karen accepted.

"And do you, David Michael Thomas, take Karen Amaryllis Brewer to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Kristy continued. 

David Michael looked from Kristy to Karen and then back to Kristy and said, "As long as it's just pretend."

"So now, by the power vested in me by the state of Connecticut, I now pronounce you husband and..." Kristy was cut off by Liz coming into the room.

"Kristy, Rayna, can you take the kids outside to play, please?"

"Yep." I stood up as other people started coming into the room.

"We haven't even kissed yet." Karen complained.

"Yeah, and you won't until you are at least a teen." I told her.

"And I didn't get to break the glass." David Michael added on.

"It's not a Jewish wedding, honey." Liz said.

"But it would be cool to smash something." David Michael said with a grin.

"Yes, it would, outside." Liz said.

"Where these people that already have enough to do don't need to clean up after you." I said with a sarcastic smile. 

"Outside would be a better place for the ceremony." Kristy argued. 

"I'm going to go outside, Liz." I softly told Liz.

"Okay." Liz replied. "And, Kristy, I would prefer to be outside, but apparently, six generations of Brewers have been married in this room. So I'm not going to be the one to break that tradition..."

Liz and the other's voices faded away as I made my way outside. I sat down on a bench and took out a piece of paper from my back pocket. I honestly don't know why I kept reading it. The letter was from my excuse of parents. It said,

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