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Vanessa age 12
Today, Matthew is leaving for college. I could not be more happy. I finally get a break from him. He has been abusing me for over three years now.  Last night, he made my life hell. He said he wanted to make sure I don't forget him.  After, Usnavi came to my side of the room, and held me. We have a board that can be moved and put back into place. For the last two years, after Matthew would use me, Usnavi became my comfort.
"Vanessa! Come clean the kitchen."
"Yes ma'am."
I am washing dishes when Usnavi comes in.
"Hi Nessa."
"Hola." I whisper.
"How do you feel this morning?"
"Ugh. Everything hurts. At least I have to stand up right now. Sitting down has been hell."
"Nessa, Shh! If Amy hears you speak like that, she will slap you."
"It can't be any worse than what happened last night." I say, with a tear running down my cheek. I wipe it with my sleeve before he can see.
"Vanessa, I promise, I will get us out of here soon.  I just need a little more time to plan."
"You have been saying that for years."
"I am close. Give me a little more time, and we will be free."
"Usnavi, dad is looking for you. He doesn't seem too happy."
My back stiffens at the sound of Matthews voice. I hear the door open and close. Then I feel hands on my shoulder. "I will be back in November," Matthew whispers in my ear. He sniffs my hair. "I will miss you."
I flinch at his touch of my lower back.
"See you in November."

Later that night, we are locked in for the night. For the first time, in a long time, I don't have to fear tonight. I fall asleep to Alex holding my hand, talking to me.

I am woken up to Alex shanking me.
"Vanessa! Wake up!" He screams.
"Come on! We have to find a way out!"
"What is going on?"
"There is smoke coming through the floor on my side. I also hear the fire alarms. We need to get out."
I jump up, grab my things that I brought with me from Argentina, and follow Usnavi.
"The door is locked, what are we going to do?"
He rattles door. "I am going to try and knock it open."
He tries kicking it, but that doesn't work. I try with him, and still no luck.
"Vanessa, back up."
He then backs up to the end of the room, and runs full force towards the door. He hits it with a loud thunk, and cries out in pain. He holds his shoulder.
"It won't open!" He says, out of breath.
I run to the window, and start pealing back the paper, praying someone will see me. When it is mostly clear, I look out and see people on the street. I pound on the window. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP US!"
Soon, we are coughing from the smoke coming into the room. My eyes start to sting and I start crying. Usnavi takes me into his arm.
"We will be okay. We will get out of this, alive."
I cry for a moment before the fight comes back to me. "No! We are not dying here tonight. My life has been hell. I want at least part of it to be good.
I continue to pound on the window, and I opens about three inches. We are able to get a breath of fresh air and we look at each other, a little more hopeful.
I think a see someone look up, but my eyes are watering too much. When it seems hopeless, I end up throwing my Mami's picture, my blanket wrapped around it, and my bear, out the window. I then sit down, crying. Usnavi sits beside me and holds me. I cling to him crying.
"I don't want to die." I tell him.
"We won't. Someone will come, I know it."

Everything is starting to go black, Usnavi already passed out, when the door bust open, a few minutes later. The last thing I remember is a firefighter picking me up and carrying us out.

I jump awake, and hear monitors beeping.
"Where am I?"
"Shh, you are okay sweetheart."
"Where am I?"
"You are in a hospital."
Everything starts coming back to me.
"Usnavi! Where is Usnavi?"
"I sent him to get some lunch and he is bring you some. We need to talk Vanessa. My name is Camilla. I am a social worker. The doctors called me when they noticed something concerning when the nurse was changing you into a a hospital gown. She noticed some bruises on your hips. She also noted some blood in your underwear. Usnavi says that your adopted parents' son hurt you. Is that true?"
"Where are they. Jake, Amy and Lucy?"
"Lucy was admitted with some burns. They are probably with her. Do you want to see them?"
"Okay, can you tell me who hurt you?"
I look down, feeling ashamed.
"Usnavi told me it was Matthew, their eldest son. Was Usnavi correct? Was it the son who hurt you?"
I nod.
"Can you tell me everything he has done to you?"
I spend the next twenty minutes telling her everything. From the time I got to the house, until the last event. Usnavi comes back in halfway through, and holds my hand. Camilla hands me tissues and let's me talk at my own pace.
"Sweetheart, we are going to get you out of there. He won't be able to hurt you or Usnavi again. Also, I have this for you."
She hands me my teddy, my blanket and the picture of my Mamí. The frame is broken, but the picture is still there.
"A neighbor had this land just a foot from her. These likely saved your life."
I clutch my blanket close to me. "Thank you!"
She takes my hand and squeezes it. "I will talk to you two soon. Also, the doctor will have to run one last test on you, but I can be here, if you want."
I nod, "please."
"Then I will be back in half an hour. I just need to go make some phone calls.

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