Chapter - 3

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I woke up again at noon but I'm still in the same room... Iam really scared by now. I need to figure out what's going on. So I got up from the bed and went to bathroom to take a shower. After 20 mininute I came out of the shower and went out of the room.

I went down stairs. As I was observing my surroundings. I heard someone called
"Mrs".. I turned back as to find a man at his 50s. I looked at him with confused.

He started to say,..' Mrs ', You shouldn't have tried to run away, Master like you so much. Why do you have to angered him?."... I know it's not my place to say this but I have watched Master's growing up.

Now iam starting to process the information that here everyone is referring to me as madam or Mrs. That means I'm a married women but with whom??

I...Iam.. married ??, I asked, even though iam sure by now that iam married.

Now the old man was looking at like I have grown two horns... but still he replied me with patience.

"Yes, Master and Mrs. has been married for 2months by now". The old man replied.

"Well, may... I ....know who am I m...married to..?,,,  I asked again.

By now, he was confused by my questions.  "You...... you don't remember anything??, the old man asked, more like confirmation.

I just nodded in reply.

He looked at for sometimes and said,
" Mrs you and Master married 2 months ago, my Master name is "Alexander Knight"....and..

I interrupt him, "Ale....Alexander knight?

'Yes', the old man replied 

I wanted to asked few more questions but his phone started to ring. So I walked away as I was surveying around the house.

After 30min I was tired so I walked back to the room and sat on the couch and I was thinking what to do in the future.

I was trying hard to remember, where i have heard this name "Alexander Knight"...
Suddenly it drown on me that i have heard it from Daniel Dork my bestie, it was the latest novel she was reading, ..... According to my observation, everything seems same as described in the novel but the question is what am i doing in the novel??

I am really scared by now... as i have told you earlier iam totally pollar opposite from this Perry tawg in the novel. Even if i want too i couldn't, i don't know how to act, my upbringing taught me to be good wife, i have a timid personality. Whereas, Perry in the novel was nothing like me.

After thinking for hours, i just let my fate decides it for me as i couldn't figure out what was going on.

#hope you are enjoying reading..

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