Chapter 22

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a/n: This will be the first chapter in a while to feature multiple POV's and the first one of a group of Ash's

So for clarification, I'll put their description beforehand.

For example, Rocket-Ash, Alola-Ash, and Adult Ash

For the kids, I'll use the region of origin, so the Ash in Kalos will be just JN-Ash

Or the Ash in Sinnoh will be Alola-Ash. It's just easier for me mentally that way

With that out of the way,


Adult Ash/Rocket Ash POV:

Hoopa's portal opened, and Rocket Ash and his counterpart fell on a beach located on the beautiful shores of Melemele Island.

"Well, that's just lovely," Rocket-Ash said as he dusted the sand off his fancy suit.

Adult Ash laughed, "What's wrong with sand? You'll need to change clothes anyways!"

Rocket-Ash looked dead serious, "I hate sand, it's coarse, it's rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere!"

Adult Ash rolled his eyes at the author, making a reference for the third chapter in a row.

Ash laughed, "Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Sand is lovely, especially on a beach!"

Rocket-Ash rolled his eyes, "It's hot out. I need new clothes, come on!"

Adult Ash ran forward and pointed towards Hau'oli City in the distance.

Adult-Ash started running, "Come on! We have until this evening!"

Rocket-Ash muttered under his breath, "And that can't come soon enough...."


At the clothes store downtown:

The Ashes walked in the store together, and the storekeeper waved and said, "Alola twins!" causing both Ashes to cringe.

As if I'd ever be related to him.... Both of them thought to themselves with an eye roll.

Adult Ash started browsing through some racks, "Well, we need disguises for tonight to sneak in the stadium and clothes that won't burn us up."

Rocket Ash looked through another rack and selected a white polo along with some khaki shorts and a baseball cap. A standard middle-aged dad outfit.

Adult Ash grabbed a button-up Alolan shirt with a cloud pattern some basketball shorts, and a baseball cap. A standard frat boy outfit.

The shopkeeper laughed when he saw them, "What? Are you guys buying disguises or something?"

The Ash's made eye contact and shook their heads.

Rocket-Ash made the first excuse, "Nah, just going to a party. My friend here has never been with a girl, so we're making sure he'll get all the attention."

The shopkeeper looked excited, "Oh, well, if that's the case, let's make sure he gets even more!"

Adult-Ash shot his counterpart a dirty look

The shopkeeper handed Ash a pink button-up shirt, "Don't be afraid of pink. If you can pull it off, it works great. Trust me, a very awesome and wise man who's also an amazing writer once wore a pink suit to an important date and landed up getting his first kiss that night."

Rocket-Ash shook his head, "No way, there's no way!"

Adult-Ash shrugged, "Whatever you say,, man,"

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