Forever a Family

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The morning was the most keenest and brightest Selever has over woken up to in centuries. The sky was a perfect shade of sky blue, with hints of orange and pink, the sun shining through his windows and the velvety amaranth curtains. He awoke, feeling rejuvenated after only 9 hours of sleep, and stretched which was the best feeling he had that time. As comfortable and relaxed as he was, he got out of bed, but changed into his clothes normally. He got his boots from the bathroom, leaning against the bathroom sink to put them on. He turned toward the mirror and grabbed his comb from the side, combing his hair generously to keep the unruly hairs in line with the rest. Lastly combing his little section of his hair resting on his face as he always likes it. He fixed his bow to make it even and comfortable around and underneath the collar of his undershirt, smiling at himself, for real. He left his bathroom, approaching his vanity, having confidence run in him. He grabbed the cologne in the ruby red bottle with the holographic accents, the bottle completely full. He wondered why he never used it before, but when he sprayed a little in and around his sweater, he loved it, and refreshed his tired mind from the previous night. He walked out of his room, walking down the hallway that was bright from the strong amounts of sunshine from the windows, making the whole scene feel different to him. He slowly walked down the stairs, holding on the the railing on his right side. He saw his whole family at the table, Sarvente setting breakfast on top. Rasazy noticed his presence first, and smiled with joy engulfing her face.


"Hey, fam..." Selever scratched his head.

"I'm surprised you didn't decide to sleep in dear." Sarv said, raising an eyebrow while placing utensils at everyone's plates.

"Uhm, yeah, I guess nine hours did the trick."

"Well that's good. Are you feeling better?"

"Like nothing ever happened." Selever chuckled.

"Well come on over to the table sweetheart and have some breakfast with us."

"You know what? I would love that very much."

Sarvente decided to make Selever's favorite. Eggs, sugar glazed bacon, and a biscuit. Selever sat down next to his sister, giving her a little kiss before he pushed himself in.

"This looks really good mom."

"Well then stop talking and start eating you silly!" Sarvente laughed combined with the sound of a humble flute.

Selever laughed back and picked up his fork. He got a little bit of everything and took a bite. He was impressed by everything, he could taste each individual part of the foods, but the flavors mixed together surprised him. He swallowed.

"This is really good mom, amazing work. Honestly I don't think I tell you two enough, but you and dad make the best meals ever."

"I have to agree myself!" Rasazy added.

"I'm so glad you like it, thank you very much!" Sarv said.
After everyone finished, Selever stood from his seat, taking everyone's plates, utensils, and glasses.

"What are you doing honey?" Sarv asked, taking her arms away from the table.

"Just taking everyone's plates and what-not. Then I'm going to do the dishes."

"Selever, you don't have to do all that."

"I know, but I have learned that I should be more helpful around here, and that I should start. And by the way mom.........I have a surprise for you later tonight.......I guess I should say it's for all of you, but more specifically mom."

"Oh, alright, if you say so sweetheart. Just please don't overwork yourself."

"I won't."

"We raised two special children, didn't we?" Asked Ruv.

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