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The next morning was colder than the last. Selever woke up with a plan to get the book back, but it required him to use a little style. He jumped out of bed, rushing into his black pants to bouncing on one foot to slip his boots on. He was all over the place with tucking in his undershirt, putting his sweater and bow tie on the right way, and straightening his hair with a touch of his favorite cologne. He did one of those quirky point and wink taunts to himself in the mirror, took a nice fresh breath and walked out his bedroom door. Sarvente was down the hall, confused on why his son was acting different.

"Selever. What are you doing?"

"What ever could you mean?" He smiled.

"You're out of your room, and you're more full of energy today."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought I'd help around the church, make breakfast, take care of my sis."


"Yep. After everything I've done yesterday, I think it's only right that I make myself a more holy demon and be more useful around here. Like you raised me to."

"Wow....that's very holy of you to do these tasks, Selever. If you really want to be useful, you can go downstairs and make a family members request breakfast, if you're up for it."

"But of course! Anything for my mom!"

Selever gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled at her. He left merrily, Sarvente was a little suspicious.

"Hm." She said to herself, looking back in his direction.

Selever arrived downstairs and made his trip to the table, with Ruv and Rasazy already there. Selever put on his acting smile and greeted the family cheerfully.

"Hey! Sis. Pops."

Neither Ras nor Ruv smiled at him.

"Um...ok. Well, since mom is busy with some other tasks, I decided to take the liberty of making breakfast this morning and along with other tasks throughout the day! Since today is FMR breakfast, what you guys want?"

Ruv and Rasazy looked at each other questionably, then back at Selever.

"You, want to make breakfast? For everyone?" Ruv asked.


"And you're not bothered by that?" Rasazy asked.

"Not even in the slightest. I also forgot to apologize to you yesterday sis. I'm sorry."

"It's ok."

"Well, son, since your in charge of breakfast, I'll take eggs benedict."

"Alright, eggs benedict for dad, and Ras what do you want?"

"I'll just have blueberry pancakes please."

"Alright! Coming up!"

Selever smiled and walked to the kitchen, a spotless kitchen. He rolled his eyes and snarled out of disgust. He got to work on Rasazy's order first, getting a large metal bowl and a bag of flour. He knew the recipe from memory, and combined a 4 cups of flour, 2 eggs, a cup of milk, and a dash of melted butter. He stirred the ingredients together with a rose gold whisk and searched for the blueberries in the fridge. He found them, and brought them to the sink where he gave the berries a swift rinse, drained off the excess water, and dumped the entire package of blueberries into the pancake batter. Gave it a nice stir, then grabbed a frying pan from the oven.
After the dishes were done, the final touches needed to be made, topping maple syrup, a slab of butter and extra blueberries on top of Rasazy's plate, and just a pinch of seasoned salt on Ruv's, breakfast was finally complete. He grabbed the two plates, took a nervous breath, and walked to the table where Rasazy and Ruv were talking to each other.

"Oh wow." Rasazy said.

"Ras, the blueberry pancakes for you, and dad, the eggs benedict for you."

Selever noticed the astonished looks on their faces on how mouthwatering their dishes looked.

"Uh, welp, enjoy!"

Ruv and Rasazy picked up their forks. Rasazy took of a nice chunk from her stack of pancakes, making sure to get some syrup and butter of her forkful. Ruv tried get a bit of everything, and popped the yolk of his over medium egg on top, which oozed down the side of everything else. Like Rasazy, he got a little chunk of everything, and both took a bite at the same time. Sel watched them both, nervous. Ruv and Ras snapped open their eyes immediately.

" it good?"

Rasazy finished chewing and swallowed.

"Sel, this is delicious! The best pancakes I've ever had in my life!"

"Very well done, son, you're a fantastic cook."

"Ah well, I'm just glad you like it."

Sarvente came over to the table.

"Oh, what's going on here?" She asked.

"Mommy! Sel made the best breakfast ever! It's so good!"

"Oh did he now? Hm." She turned to Selever and smiled with one eyebrow.

"Oh, wait!" Selever used his magic to make Sarv's breakfast appear. 4-layer waffles topped with strawberries, chocolate syrup, and powdered sugar.

"I didn't forget about you mom! Go take a seat. I'll take care of the morning chores."

"Oh!" Sarvente hesitantly took the dish. "Why, thank you, sweetheart."

Selever left immediately, and got a start on the chores. His plan was going perfectly.
Rasazy, as a busy girl she can be, was ironically not busy. She had her legs under her covers in her bed, writing things down in her spellbook. Selever was downstairs right in front of the steps, thinking deeply. His only thought was to manipulate his own sister, in which he was hesitant about it, because he just got her to forgive him for what he did before, and still loves her. He grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and looked at his black tinted reflection on the screen. He looked like an exhausted mess who tried to look as fresh as a daisy. The fine lines under his eyes do a really good job of telling the past, especially a recent past. He had that feeling where he had a choice, but felt like to himself that he didn't to help him cope with such things happening in his life. He let his desire overtake his guilt, confidently stepping up the stairs. He walked down the hallway with lightheadedness, looking into the distance. Mid morning light from the church windows hit on it's surroundings with a feeling that no one has felt before. He trembled into the wall and guided his way into his sister's room. Rasazy looked up and got out of bed, then Sel was surprised with a touch all around his legs from his sister giving him a hug around them.

"Brother!" She said happily.

"Ah...hey are ya?"

"Great now that your here! I want to give you lots of hugs!"

Selever picked up Rasazy off of his legs and back onto the floor gently, he kneeled down and wanted to milk his act by giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"So, what do you want to do brother? Wanna play something?"

"How about we play hide and seek? I'll count and you hide anywhere you want."

"Oh yeah. Sure!"

"Ok." Selever covered his eyes.


Rasazy dashed out of the room with the perfect place to hide. Selever kept counting and closed the bedroom door. He tiptoed over to Rasazy's bed where the spellbook was just lying there.

"Thirteen....fourteen....fifteen....sixteen...." Still continuously counting, he took the book. He opened her door back open and checked to make sure nobody was around. He took broad and quiet steps back to his room and ran in there, hiding the book under his pillow. He tucked it in nice and tight so no parts of the book were visible outside. He made his final count to twenty and popped his head out his door.

"Ready or not, here I come!!" He yelled.

"Yeah. Like I'm coming to find her." He said to himself.

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