More Than Meets the Eye

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Midday was when the winter windchill got the best of Selever. He himself was never a fan of cold. The windchill cut at his cheeks that caused a subtle blush to gradually appear. He hesitated to go back home, knowing the mouthful he was going to get from Sarvente he would be damned with.
At the chapel, Sarvente worried that she was too harsh on her son, pacing the room in personal panic, biting her fingernails and shaking at her upper body. Selever was out for six hours.

"Oh no.....umph.......this is all my fault....." Sarvente said. Her voice was bound to crack completely any second, tears welling up in her eyes undertoned with a pinch of pink.

" love.....please calm down..." Ruv said, but Sarvente wouldn't listen. He stopped her from pacing by gently grabbing her shoulders in front of her. "We'll figure this out. Wasn't Selever at Boyfriend's house? You know? Planning for the show?"

"Yes but–" Sarvente got interrupted by the chorus of squeaking of the church doors to the sound of the winter winds invading the place. Selever had the feeling to just go home, since he had no other place to go.

"Selever!"  Sarvente exclaimed. She speedwalked to him and hugged him as tight as can be. Selever couldn't bear with the pain of his wings being tightly squeezed by Sarv, so he gently pushed her away. Sarv continued to touch him on his face, noticing the blush. Selever was so cold that it burned Sarv's finger.

"My little lamb! You're so cold! Are you alright?"

"Yeah mom, I'm fine. But honestly you're the one not going to be okay after this."

"What are you saying Selever?"

"Um....I-.....uh....." Selever hesitated. He thought it would be easy to just tell her. He struggled with his words, not knowing how she was going to react. He used his iconic tactics of stalling: hanging his coat, fixing his bow tie, straightening his hair, and walking around, hoping she would forget, but unfortunately still caught on.

"Selever." Ruv said with a stern voice that was strong enough to shake the church.

"Ruv, please watch your vocals. Selever, what's going on? Please....just tell me." She quietly begged.

"'re not doing your show. Ok? Happy?"

"What?! Of course I'm not happy! What do you mean?!" Her voice cracked even more as Selever knew she was going to cry.

"Me and BF just can't do it. We've been having some problems. It's not my fault!"

"LIAR! YOU- KNEW HOW MUCH-THIS MEANT TO ME!" Sarv's voice completely gave out and started to cry ballistically.

"Yeah here we go again! What the fuck is your problem?! We didn't have to do this you know!  But we did! You're so fucking ungrateful!"

"Enough." Ruv intervened.

"What?! So it is my fault?!"

"Selever-" Ruv slowly started to walk up to him.

"All you've ever seen in me is the worst-"

"That's enough-"

"This was all your idea, and I still get the shame for the failure!" His horns caught his red fire.

"Why the fuck did you have me?! Is Rasazy the fucking golden child or something?!"


"Well you know what mom?! Sometimes I wish I had the control so you can see in MY FUCKIN EYES GODDAMNIT!" Selever finished his remark, and his eyes turned red and growled.

"I SAID ENOUGH!" Ruv yelled off the top of his lungs. Ruv's vocal control shook the church, but he knew himself that he didn't want anything to get damaged.

Selever stood there with his eyes red, enraged, right up in his father's face. Selever felt a new feeling; fear. A new fear. The problem got in the way of wondering what kind of fear he was experiencing.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself Selever, talking to your mother that way. Go to your room. Right now."

He left to go upstairs with no words left to say, hearing Ruv's voice grow softer and faded, his words muffled as he comforts Sarvente, holding her tightly, side touching side.

"I'm so sorry for everything my love. I did not mean to lose my control like that. I should have been more calm around you." Ruv sounded almost angelic, for once, the calmness of his voice temporarily dominated his strong Russian accent to make it softer sounding.

Sarvente shook slightly still, due to the trauma of the situation. She slowly calmed her breathing, and the last of her tears rolled down the same trails on her face.

"When...will he see God's ray of sunshine?.....His heart and soul is enclosed in his own darkness....Hell did this.....contaminated his sense.....the Lord must take away his sin....I beg that his sin be cleansed or taken away.....warmth...shall be brought to his heart......" Sarvente prayed. Ruv looked down for a moment, analyzing Sarvente's prayer. He looked back at her glowing face and wiped away her tears, still left darkness to her skin where it got wet from her crying. Sarvente glanced at Ruv as the icy winter light from the slight amethyst tinted windows brought out the pearl of her eyes, then the light upon their love. Sarvente became cold after coming back to reality, her hands quivering. Ruv felt how cold her hands were, but regardless always notices what Sarv is feeling.

"Come now, let's get you comfortable." Ruv said.
A fire blended with the cozy wonders found within the small, tall space of an amber lit library alleviated Sarv. Ruv covered her with a pale pink woolen blanket and surprised her with her favorite tea, pomegranate and raspberry. Ruv sat himself down on the empty cushion of the loveseat. He removed his ushanka from his head and threaded his fingers through his hair, which alleviated himself, believe it or not. Leaning against the loveseat, he put his arm around her. Sarv snuggled closer, feeling the comfort of Ruv's jacket fluff engulfing her chocolate side of her cheek.

"Selever hasn't been acting like himself. I just want him to be more cooperative, make better decisions, and.....spend more time with us." Sarv said.

"He's definitely been a little brat if you ask me."

Sarvente sat up straight and frowned straight into Ruv.

"Oh, be nice Ruv. I just know there's good in him. I see it. I know it. I feel it."

"Ah, love, you see it in everyone."

"And there's no reason why I shouldn't."

"I understand Sarv. But his behavior is no excuse for anything. He acted this way as soon as he came downstairs this morning."

"Exactly." Sarv set down her cup on the table in front of them, then gently and slowly grasped Ruv's hands. Sarv looked at Ruv straight in the eye, causing him to blush a dark purple at his cheeks. "So instead of yelling at him, we should go and talk with him. And I'll admit...what I did down there was so unholy of me, and what you did was unholy too....but that's why I do what I my little lambs find and see the light...let God forgive their that even the most pessimistic of them will see actual hope for guide them to the pearly gates of Heaven. Even though I can't see it for myself, it's my sworn duty to not let anyone else feel the same pain I feel....I just want to give him a chance."

Ruv stopped blushing and took a deep breath.

"I was blind, Sarv. Me and you are stellar as the nun who attempts to get your followers into heaven....and me, who's a runaway criminal living in a lonely, yet adventurous chapel with secrets and undiscovered things around every with the love of my life...the only love of my life. But what I see is that even though we are different," Ruv locked his fingers with Sarv's. "We fit perfectly."

"And soon out beautiful boy and girl with help us make our finished puzzle even better and see the light of love like we do, and fit in with us too." Sarvente gave Ruv a quick kiss. "Can we now go give that feeling to Selever? Please?"

Ruv giggled.

"We should go then."

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