A Look Through Their Eyes

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As the sky faded darker, Sarv and Ruv were still out looking for their son. He was no where to be seen in or around the city, having realization to look farther outside the area. Ruv held to Sarv tight to keep her warm. Both of them have been walking in freezing snow for hours, their feet so cold that they couldn't be felt.

"He has to be around here somewhere." Ruv said.

Sarvente began to cry a bit, but tried to keep quiet, but Ruv heard her anyway.

"Sarv, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing Ruv, it's just that I'm so worried for him....I couldn't even know why he left in the first place."

"Could it have something to do with his behavior recently?"


"We saw him short tempered, tired, and hated whenever we wanted to spend time with him."

"So, what could it mean?"

"I-I don't know. But sometimes, I'm able to feel what another being can feel, even if I haven't been through the experience of what could cause it. We didn't pay attention to him enough, we only saw the worst of him. Maybe he wouldn't of ran off, or be the way he was, if we just cared about him as much as we do our own daughter."

"I do love him. But I guess you're right to say that we didn't look into him enough....I always thought I could understand him since I'm a demon and all....but now this is all wrong, and it's all my fault."

"Now, I wouldn't say that my love....we all make mistakes. Now that we know what we did wrong, we won't do it again. Don't be so hard on yourself, Sarv. You're an amazing mother with two beautiful children."

"Thank you Ruv."
"Nice place you got." Boyfriend said, his echoes fading into the building, Ras and him walking leisurely throughout the chapel.

"Thanks, most of this stuff is pretty new to me, my old timeline has these objects, but much older." Rasazy said.

"Ha, yeah, I see. So, if you don't mind me asking, what happened with your brother? Why did he run away?"

"Oh....well....I'm not sure. As far as I know, the past few weeks, he was exhausted and angry all the time, and started distancing himself from us. The worst part, is that he wouldn't even play with me anymore, and that's something we always did ever since we were both born.

"Is he alright?"

"That's what I tried to find out before he left. The thing he did was the only thing I've never expected out of him. He actually yelled at me for the first time."

"How did your family react toward him?"

"They would always get into arguments. The family was slowly drifting apart ever since he became different. I could never understand him thoroughly, but I do know he's hurting bad."

"I see."

"Unfortunately, people, whether human or monster, always have the ability to change as they grow older, Selever wasn't the same as he was back then, sometimes I forget who he is, because he's so different."

Boyfriend and Rasazy arrived back at the atrium. A knock was at the door as soon as Boyfriend made a step ahead Rasazy. Boyfriend walked toward the door as it knocked again. He finally got a grasp of the handle and opened. A tall boy who looked similar to boyfriend, and a short dude with a green shirt and ginger hair, of course, wearing a dark green coat and boots.

"Big Bro? Pico? What are you guys doing here?"

"The better question is, what are you doing here?" Pico asked.

"What do you mean? BB, didn't I ask you to tell mom that I was going to stay at the church to watch Rasazy?"

"I thought you were lying, because I don't even know who she is."

"I'm Rasazy." She said, popping in the scene. "You two can come in."

"Ok. Thank you." Pico said.

"So, where are your parents?" Asked Big Brother.

"They're out right now. They'll be back."

"This place is huge. You live here?"

"Yes, so does my brother."

"BB, Pico, Rasazy is Selever's little sister."

"Wait! No way!" BB exclaimed. "Selever is like, my best friend! I had no idea you were his sister."

"Yep, that's me."

"Where is he, anyway?"

"Um...he's um....out with her parents."

"That doesn't sound very promising. Is everything ok?" Said Pico.

"I think you guys need to sit down. We'll tell you everything."

(Short chapter I know)

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