The Bite

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Kim Sunwoo was a normal boy, with a normal life...until he got bit by a spider, I'm pretty sure you know the rest. This spider-verse thing is basically never ending, but i'm not going to get right into the story. We're starting from the beginning, before he was bitten by the spider...

"When are you gonna confess to Soeyon???" Eric, Sunwoo's best friend asked. "You're clearly perfect for eachother, you both like the same things."

"I will, I'll confess to her one day," Sunwoo said. "But just not today, it's just not the right time."

Eric groaned, "come on, you said that last week AND the week before."

Sunwoo sighed and looked down at his food, "what if she rejects me and the whole school makes fun of me?"

"That won't happen, you're Kim Sunwoo."

School was over and Sunwoo was walking to his dorm, ever since lunch Sunwoo had felt something crawling on him. He didn't think much of it until he sat down and felt a sharp pain.

He instantly started sweating and he couldn't even stand, he collapsed onto his bed as his vision went blurry.

The door opened and it was Eric, Sunwoos best friend. "Sunwoo!" Eric shouted as he rushed over to his bestfriend. "Are you okay??? What happened???"

"I don't feel so good..." Sunwoo mumbled. "I just need some rest, I'll be fine...I promise."

"Suwoo, you're burning up and you need a doctor."

"No, I just need rest. Turn off the light, thanks."

Eric sighed and looked at his friend, worried. "Okay, but if this gets any worse I'm calling 911."


Sunwoo woke up, he felt much better. As if nothing ever happened.

"Sunwoo! Are you alright?" Eric asked, rushing over to him.

"I'm feeling so much better, I told you I just needed a nap." Sunwoo said, he sat up in bed but then the unexpected happened. A web came out of his wrist and shot across the room.

The two boys stared in shock. "Uhm, Sunwoo...are we dreaming right now???"

"I have no clue, Is this a spider web???" Sunwoo examined the web closely.

"Bro, I think you've become a spider." Eric touched the webbing and looked at Sunwoo. "Wait a second, whats that?" Eric said, pointing down to the dead spider on Sunwoo's bed.

"I think that bit me...but i've never seen a spider like this one before. You think we discovered a new spider?"

"We should take a picture, and a video for extra proof..." Eric said as he got out his phone and started recording it, he got a pen and moved the spider around a bit.

The spider moved its legs a bit before fully passing away....

"Oh god, that scared me." Sunwoo said, looking down at the now-dead spider.

"Well Sunwoo, I think our lives just got a whole lot weirder."

🪦 Rip Spider.
Cause of death: Kim Sunwoo
This is the end of chapter one, sorry it was so short, im watching a spiderman movie rn, also the wifi just went out while i was typing this 💀

I hope you liked this soyeon, even though you were only mentioned in it, just know sunwoo has a huge crush on you

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