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6 hours later Sakura began to wake up

Sakura: hmmm oh my head, what the hell happened

Mebuki welcome back to the living sleepy head -smile-

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Mebuki welcome back to the living sleepy head -smile-

Sakura: Mom! -hugged her- do you really have to go, mom?

Mebuki: yes, I am sorry I wasn't there for you, but I am proud of the woman you've become, and I know you will become a great mother someday, but a word of caution, do not think you are out of the woods yet, they will have others coming for you because of who you are, you are the first creator or two powerful beings, so of course, they will come for you or even your children, but when that day comes, I am sure you will be able to handle yourself.

Sakura: sighh, I understand, look up at him with sad eyes- is there no way you can stay? I mean what if—

Mebuki: no Sakura, you know better than that, there is a balance that has to be put back, we can't stay here, beside if we stayed here, what would become of your handsome prince charming over there -point to Sasuke-

Sakura look over to Sasuke, who looked like he hadn't slept in days.

Sakura: Oh, I understand now, I love you mom and dad always, now I have my time with you guys, it's now time for guys to have time with each other -wink at them- before running into Sasuke's welcoming arms.

both of them blushed

Azazel okay Sasuke take care of our daughter, we counting on you to make her happy and to keep her safe about to leave

Sasuke nodded- I sure will sir

Mebuki: -tun- oh and Sakura I have one more gift for you- a white dove flew to Sakura

Sasusaku: A Dove?

Azazel it's no dove Sakura when the time comes you will see the true purpose of it. now you take care of each other okay, I love you angel,

Sakura: I love you too daddy, are you leaving already?

Azazel: one quite, I have to pay a special visit to your brother and sister and then -look at Mebuki- make up for lost times with your mother -kissed her-

Sakura: giggle- okay you guys can you two please get a room

Mebuki smile- okay Sakura remember what I told you now, always be true to yourself, tell your mom and dad goodbye for Sasuke, and thank you for taking care of our heart for us

Sasuke: hugged Sakura from the back- it was my pleasure and I will

they both disappeared

Sasuke:-turn Sakura around- now that I have you all to myself, I believe we have some catching up to do- smirk-

Sakura: oh really and what do you have in mind, sir? 

Sasuke: I am sure I can think of a few things -devilish grin

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