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Sasuke was still screaming in pain, but no one paid attention to his screams they to busy, watching Sakura's Transformation

Sasuke was still screaming in pain, but no one paid attention to his screams they to busy, watching Sakura's Transformation

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Itachi mother, what just happened? Why is sh-- I mean what is she?

Mikoto: How could we be so wrong about this? This wasn't supposed to be? She's not ready

Demon king: laughing- wonderful, wonderful, just image, all this will be mine! Such power! And it---

Before The Demon king had the chance to finish up his sentence. Sakura had him pinned to the wall by his throat..

Sakura: head slightly tinted- you have all but 2 seconds to release but mate or I will not hesitate to kill you grandfather

Sakura jumped at the venom in her voice,

At first, he was defiant but with the correct force applied to the neck, she complied.

Sasuke started gasping in relief, Sasuke then quickly got to his feet and gasped when he saw Sakura's transformation.

Sasuke: Sakura? W-what happened to you?

Sakura released her grandfather- now you will take your sons and demons and leave this realm and do not show your face here again!

King Demon Do you think I ca-


Azazel: smiled proudly- well father what will be your answer, will you finally honor the treaty? Or will you continue on this madness and meet your end?

Demon King: scoff- you really think an uncontrolled, little girl can stop me?!

Mebuki: I wouldn't do that if I were you, she is the strongest one in the house! and if you let go of your pompous pride for a minute, you would see that she's been holding back her powers just so she doesn't hurt the ones she loves.

Zero: I would do as she says Father, there's something about her that is silently screaming to be released but she is withstanding it, look for yourself father.

taking a better look, he saw that Sakura was indeed, holding her off Distruction out of pure will

Demon King: Fine! you win this time, I will honor the Treaty, but you are not part of the agreement Azezel and you will return with us!

Sakura: Look at her father- daddy?

Azazel: itś okay Hunny, as long as youŕe self is all I care about, besides, we both know that I could no longer live on this earth honey

Sakura: tearing up but dad

Azazel: no more buts Sakura, I am very proud of you honey, and I have no doubt that the uchihas will take good care of you-glare at Sasuke- if you hurt her in any way I will be back to make you pay for it!

Mikoto: oh don't worry about Sasuke we will make sure he does that right thing

Fugaku: So does that mean she can continue with the ritual?

Mebuki: It is not necessary now, to suit your traditions, you can, but it won't be necessary, then again, to make sure there won't ANYONE! come after her again, it is better if he claims her

Demon King: glare at Mebuki- then smirk- tell me Mebuki, does the heavenś know youŕe alive I wonder

Mebuki: smile- why don't you ask them yourself, Michael, why don't you answer for yourself

Michael then appeared

Itachi: this day is getting more interesting by the minute, I wonder who will pop out next*

Michael: Now that your earthly business is none, let us move forward Mebuki-about to leave-

Michael: Now that your earthly business is none, let us move forward Mebuki-about to leave-

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Mebuki: Wait, can I please say farewell to my daughter and Husband?

Michael: you have a day and that is all you will get Mebuki

Mebuki: thank you

Michael nodded and then disappeared

Fugaku Now that everything is settled can you kindly leave my establishment

Demon King: come along, let us return to our realm -turn Mebuki can you kindly release my daughter in law- smirk

Azazel: glare at him- she will never be my mate! I have but one! And that's Mebuki!

Mebuki- eye water- I love you

Sakura who was struggling to keep it together decided to make one more term

Sakura: Mom, dad I can't lose you again, I-I

Azazel I know daughter goes over and hugs her with Mebuki following behind

Mebuki- oh my poor baby- Listen to me, you can see us any time you want

Sakura looks up- how?

Mebuki: gives her a mirror- you can see or talk to anyone of us any time you want

Sakura: really! Can I really?

Mebuku laugh- yes baby, now I know you want to spend time with me but there is a handsome prince charming who have been dying to hold you, do not be afraid of your powers, always have faith in yourself and whenever you need us we will be there no matter what - kisses her forehead

Demon king it is time to go Azazel

Sakura oh please grandfather can I please have more time with him, please

Demon king watch her and then turn to his son- you have until morning - Disappear

Azazel well that was unexpected

Sakura waited until the coast was clear and everyone was okay before finally going back to normal... but even that was too much for her

Sakura: - w-why does everyth--- fainted 

Sakura: - w-why does everyth--- fainted 

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