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That's what dipper is wearing

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That's what dipper is wearing

Dipper was running. To where he doesn't know, but he knew that he wanted to be in the forest right now. He was running until it was getting hard for him to breathe. When he stopped he looked around in amazement.

"Now, what is someone like you doing this deep into the forest?" a man's voice said. When Dipper heard the man he jumped in fright and fell over.

"W-who are you!" dipper said looking up at the man. The man was tall and he had blonde hair with black underneath. He had piercing yellow eyes that had black slits as his pupils. His left eye was covered in a black triangle that has a yellow eye pattern on it. The clothes he was wearing were a white button-up shirt, bow tie, and a yellow sleeveless vest with a tail on it. he had black pants with a couple of yellow triangles stitched onto the bottom sides, then there was a top hat on his head but it was floating!?

"Ah, sorry for scaring you" the man said offering his hand out to dipper.

"Um, thank you" dipper said quietly.

"Now back to what you said before, do you not know who I am?" the man said raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know many people sorry" dipper quietly said a bit ashamed.

"Hmm, that's odd. Everyone knows me" he said while he started to float.

"H-HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT!?" dipper yelled stepping back. All of a sudden you could hear a voice yelling in the distance.

"I-i have to go. Um, it was nice to meet you..."

"Bil, my name is Bill" bill said noticing that dipper trailed off.

"U-um well it was nice to meet you bill" dipper said while he started to run off.

"before you leave what might be your name?" bill said stopping him.

"My name is D-dipper" he said running off the way he came.


sorry if this is bad this is my first fanfic

hope you enjoyed

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