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I find Tyra at her locker after lunch. I'm pissed that she never bothered to tell me about her and Tim. Why wouldn't she tell me?

"Tyra" I say, coming up behind her.

"Jesus-what the fuck Kasey?" She whips around, looking startled.

"How do you know Tim Riggins?"


I flex my jaw, "Stop being stupid Tyra. You know him, he told me. Why didn't you tell me?"

Tyra stares at me for a minute, her eyes clouded with confusion and possibly annoyance.

"I-we had a thing last year, that's all Kasey. And I didn't tell you because...why would I? I didn't know you then."

I let out a breath, realizing that I was being an asshole. She's right. Why would she tell me? I just jumped to conclusions and almost annihilated the only friendship I have.

"I'm sorry, Tyra. I didn't mean—this stuff with Tim is stressing me out. I'm sorry."

Tyra rolls her eyes, "It's fine, Kasey. Sheesh, you're so bipolar sometimes." She rests her back against lockers next to me. "What did Tim say to you?"

"I just told him that people were talking and he said that I should stop listening to you." I say, wondering suddenly if their relationship ended poorly. Tim didn't seem to think highly of Tyra.

Tyra scoffs, "Of course he did. He doesn't like me.  Don't worry about it, Kase. Tim doesn't care about anyone but himself."

Well there's the answer I was looking for.

"But by all means," Tyra turns to look at me, "If you want to bang him be my guest."

My cheeks start to burn instantly, "What? No-I don't want to bang him."

Tyra smirks, "Right. He's a douchebag, but he's hot."

"I don't like him."

"That's what they all say. Oh, he's gonna be at the football party tonight."

I blink, "What party?"

"The party you and I are going to tonight" She says, grinning.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "I'm not going to any party tonight."

"Oh come on Kasey, it'll be fun! I don't want to be surrounded by rally girls all night."

I don't say anything, ruminating about what happened the last time I went to a football party. The night everything went to shit. The night that started the worst year of my life. Maybe there won't be any drugs - but there will be drinking.

"You don't have to drink, you know that right? We can just dance and have fun and laugh at drunk rally girls." Tyra says, reading my thoughts.

"Okay." I say, still unsure. "But if people start doing drugs, even if it's just pot, I'm leaving. I don'r want to..." I don't finish that sentence. Tyra gets the point.

She smiles, "Great. Pick me up at 8?"

I nod and Tyra heads off, leaving me at the lockers alone. My chest starts to tighten and force myself to remember that I can leave at any time. I'm going for Tyra. Tyra wouldn't put me in a bad spot.

Whatever. I need to stop thinking so much. I need to meet with Mrs. Taylor soon anyway.

• • •

Mrs. Taylor is a nice lady, truly. But she doesn't think highly of me. She'll talk to me in her office, but tell her daughter to stay away from me.

"How have you been doing lately?" Her southern accent kind, but angling for something.

I shrug, "Fine."

"Grades are okay...staying out of significant absences..." She's looking through my file on the computer. We do this weekly, ever since I came back to school after taking a break sophomore year. We don't accomplish anything - but it satisfies my mother.

"Have any contact with Karson since we last talked? Or any of your old...friends?"

My stomach drops at the mention of Karson. She asks about him every time and my feelings never change.

"No" I swallow hard, "I haven't talked to any of them since last year." I meet her eyes, hoping Mrs. Taylor get the hint. Karson is someone who I never want to hear about again. His name makes me sick.

Mrs. Taylor looks at me with an expression I can't read. She's given up asking about what happened between Karson and I, but I know she wants to know.

"Well..I guess you're free to go, Kasey." Mrs. Taylor leans back in her chair, still staring at me the way that she does. Maybe it's a counselor thing. Maybe it's a Mrs. Taylor thing. I'd hate to be her daughter.

I stand and leave as quickly as possible.

I need my bed. I need to decompress before the party tonight.

Ugh. The party tonight. Why did I agree to that?

• • •'s been a while hasn't it? I was reading through the old chapters of this story and felt suddenly inspired to keep writing it. This chapter is sort of a filler chapter to get to the party...which I'm very excited to write about.

To be completely honest, I'm not as interested in Tim Riggins as I used to be. But I really like writing Kasey so I'm gonna stick with this story. I hope you all like Kasey as much as I do. She's complicated but that's what I like about her.

Anyways, as always, thanks for reading!

- Kate <3

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